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  1. non-vtec

    Google assistant???

    Still waiting for Google assistant on my 5x while other phone manufacturers have it already....hmmmmm. Anyone else still waiting? Located in Canada if that matters.
  2. non-vtec

    USB C to USB A cables. Running list of good ones.

    U bought usb a to c cables from ebay. Made by ugreen. Seem to work well. Only problem is they take an eternity to ship from China to Canada. I may have saved 5 bucks but I think i will order from Amazon next time.
  3. non-vtec

    doze not happening on 7.1.1

    Seems my issue is fixed. Facebook app.
  4. non-vtec

    doze not happening on 7.1.1

    Found my Facebook app causing doze to not work. I know Facebook sucks d!ck but I can't believe the largest social media company who pushes updates frequently didn't make the app Nougat compatable. Suspecting a installation problem maybe. I delete the app. Cleared all app cache and...
  5. non-vtec

    Can i enrol for Android beta in my nexus 5x without any issue?

    I had 7.1.2 and ran into problems with my banking app crashing all the time. When trying to unenroll from the beta program you get prompted to downgrade to 7.1.1 but then it proceeds to wipe your device and delete everything.
  6. non-vtec

    doze not happening on 7.1.1

    Thanks. I set the phone in safe mode and doze works good. Only lost 1-2% overnight. Now how can i figure out what apps are causing doze to not doze...... Thanks again
  7. non-vtec

    doze not happening on 7.1.1

    Ever since updating to 7.1.1 doze stopped working. I tried wiping the device twice and manually reinstated all my apps but still have the same issue. Any suggestions on what apps to check?