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  1. N

    Where can I see my GPS route on my phone?

    When I'm hiking and running, where can I see my tracked route on my phone? I assumed it was a part of S-health, but nothing there. Thanks
  2. N

    Hoping for some help deciding if it's worth buying in 2020 (preferably the 42)

    Hi all. Bought the 46mm in late 2018, returned it after a week realising I had no use for it, and that I didn't enjoy being addicted to my phone, which I tried to use less and less, so why risk create another addiction. But since then I've been so curious about the experience I realized I just...
  3. N

    Unsure if I will use the smart-functions enough to justify buying this

    Hey. Been drooling over this for a while now, and finding it a beautifully designed piece of tech might be reason enough to buy it, but as the title says, I started to get unsure if I'll use the watch to its full potential. Comparing to my smartphone-use (I'm an applehead (not really...