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  1. M

    MailDroid vs K-9

    Hello, Been reading this thread and I'm trying maildroid now and I'm really liking it. The only thing I miss from K9 is being able to look at the notification bar when a message comes in and seeing the subject of the email. Is there a way to set this in maildroid? If not are there any plans to...
  2. M

    Sideload Wonder Machine for Linux & Mac!

    Ok almost got it. Final step is I'm getting a permissioned denied when copying to /data/app. Any help?
  3. M

    Sideload Wonder Machine for Linux & Mac!

    How did you get it to recognize your phone. I can't get the script to find it. The only thing I can think of is that I don't have is the Unknown sources option, is that available on the captivate?
  4. M

    Sideload Wonder Machine for Linux & Mac!

    By the way not rooted if that matters
  5. M

    Sideload Wonder Machine for Linux & Mac!

    I Got a captivate and when I run the script I get a device not found? What am I doing wrong? I can see the drive on my desktop. thanks