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  1. D

    13 hours

    Thirteen hours without a new article. It looks like Google I/O destroyed all of the writers.
  2. D

    Phil's avatar

    Absolutely NO disrespect intended here. Am I the only person who thinks Phil's avatar looks like Nathan Fillion? I don't even know why, but it just does! Dan
  3. D

    expanding/contracting ads

    AC, Please knock it off with the expanding/contracting ads at the top of the screen. I'm sick and tired of text scrolling itself off my screen after I've started reading a story. So far, I've always resisted the urge to install an ad blocker, because ads pay for a lot of the content I consume...
  4. D

    Comments removed about Ashley's podcast

    I didn't see the comments that Phil removed from this: Rude comments are never acceptable, but how seriously does Android Central or Mobile Nations expect us to take these videos? Ashley...