KitKat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2011
I'm really surprised no one has mentioned this on the forum here yet. However, for those of you still holding on to your E4GT, thinking that JB was going to be the very last update, you can rejoice in knowing that you can now update your E4GT to the latest release of Kit-Kat (4.4.2). Of course, you need to be rooted, but if you are and you feel comfortable with a bit of flashing and recovery work, I highly recommend giving this Cyanogenmod CM11 variant a try. I've been successfully and happily running this ROM for about a month now, and am amazed how well the E4GT handles Kit-Kat. This phone is running better than ever and with a little additional work after install, the battery life is stellar, as well. The only drawbacks I've noted after updating (which are documented within the ROM info) are the loss of 4G WiMax (never really had it much anyway) and no capability to our "Dock Audio". You may note that early versions of this ROM did not provide 3G data. However, the latest version (which I'm running) has solid 3G and as a bonus, the ROM builds in simple, working WiFi 3G tethering. There are also a few limitations with MMS messages, but simple work-arounds exist. Other than that, this ROM is rock solid and feature packed.

At this point, it's best that I provide you with a link to the applicable forum over on XDA, which provides all the necessary info and files. I strongly recommend reading through the opening pages and I found it best to follow the very good (direct and brief) instructions on the bottom portion of page 77 within the XDA forum thread.

[ROM] CyanogenMod 11.0 - VILLUMINATI - January 12, 2014 - xda-developers

I'll keep an eye on this thread and answer any questions I see (if I can). I am by no means an "expert", but more of a "self-educated adventurer". This upgrade "adventure" was definitely worth the effort and will allow me to extend the life of my faithful E4GT as my Daily Driver until something really new, different and (much) better catches my eye!

Good Luck!
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Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Does anyone know if this ROM will support Google Music v4.4.811H.526848?

Or, as I like to call it, the last version before they went to the Orange Creamsicle Overload theme while they also disabled long-press and playlist re-ordering.
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Does anyone know if this ROM will support Google Music v4.4.811H.526848?

Or, as I like to call it, the last version before they went to the Orange Creamsicle Overload theme while they also disabled long-press and playlist re-ordering.

Sorry, I can't help you there, as I'm running the latest version of Google Music. While I'm also no big fan of the latest version, I've gotten used to it and it does offer some good/better functionality than the older version. My guess is that if you go to this ROM, you will be having to use the latest version, as part of the upgrade/installation process is installing the latest (Kit-Kat compatible) version of primary Google Apps (GAPPS).

Side Note on Google Music: While this has nothing to do with my phone, I've begun experiencing an issue with my synced playlists (from either Windows Media Player or iTunes) coming up as blank in the Google Play cloud. All my music uploads perfectly and the playlist names upload, as well, but the playlists themselves are empty/blank. While I can find references to this online, I can't seem to find any viable solutions. As a Google Music user, any ideas or recommendations you might have would be appreciated. Thanks!
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

I know installing the GAPPs package will most likely include the new version of the music player, but I suppose I can always restore the old version from a backup.

It may be a moot point; I haven't done a flash in so long I'm really hesitant to dive into it now. I'm on rooted stock 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) and I have to go back to ICS before I can attempt this.
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

I know installing the GAPPs package will most likely include the new version of the music player, but I suppose I can always restore the old version from a backup.

It may be a moot point; I haven't done a flash in so long I'm really hesitant to dive into it now. I'm on rooted stock 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) and I have to go back to ICS before I can attempt this.

Worst case... You could always reflash the latest GAPPS (I used scaled down "Micro Modular" version) if the Music Player "downgrade" doesn't work out.

I hear you on the hesitation. However, please note that the 4.1.2 Jelly Bean upgrade was my first and ONLY experience with rooting and flashing. I'm assuming you may have done the same procedure I followed for that upgrade (via Odin One-Click). While this Kit-Kat update does include a few more steps, I can tell you that it's about as straightforward and fool-proof as the JB upgrade process. Again, if you follow the clear steps at the bottom of page 77 of the XDA forum thread I provided above, it works perfectly. In fact, I performed this on 2 different E4GT phones, as well as flashing one back to JB and then reflashing to Kit-Kat in order to test viability of the Nandroid backups. All Good!

The only other rooting/flashing experience I've had was converting a 1st gen. Kindle Fire over to an Android JB Tablet, running 4.2.3. I can tell you that process (by far) was much more complex than this Kit-Kat upgrade for the E4GT. Obviously, I'm not "forcing" you to try it, but more just offering some encouragement, as I think it's worth the effort. I say this especially because I just now saw the specs for the new Sammy Galaxy 5 and I'm disappointed to see how HUGE that phone is. So, I'll now be sticking with my GS2/E4GT even longer than I originally expected.
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Again, if you follow the clear steps at the bottom of page 77 of the XDA forum thread I provided above, it works perfectly. In fact, I performed this on 2 different E4GT phones, as well as flashing one back to JB and then reflashing to Kit-Kat in order to test viability of the Nandroid backups. All Good!

In case my browser is paging the forum display differently--and I know this can happen with vBulletin, at least, can you tell me the approximate post count where I should start looking for the steps?

ETA: Are you referring to these instructions, in post #770 by capota in the XDA thread?

ETA: Added the hyperlinks from the XDA-Developers forum thread; not all that easy since I'm not yet permitted to post in dev threads there, meaning I can't just hit "quote" and get all the hyperlinks at a single click automatically. No express or implied warranty is given, including but not limited to subsequent changes or corrections in the other forum.

1. Flashed phone back to stock using SimpleDownloaderTool for SPH-D710 (Click "Download" tab, file named:device(Install),Others (Software) (ver.OS Update GB27 (Jelly_Bean))
2. Let boot, then re-booted into download mode
3. Flashed One-Click EL26_Stock_CWM5.exe
4. Booted into recovery
5. Flashed tdunham's Jellybean Format All X2
6. Flashed CyanogenMod 10.2 Latest Nightly
7. Let boot, then booted into recovery
8. Flashed tdunham's Jellybean Format All X2
9. Flashed Modem
10. Flashed CyanogenMod 11 - AndroidCyanogenM 4.4.1
11. Flashed GAPPS Google Stock Package 4.3-20131102
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Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

ETA: Are you referring to these instructions, in post #770 by capota in the XDA thread?

Yes... Those are the instructions to which I was referring. The only difference is that I used the latest CM11 release (found on the first page of the XDA forum thread) which provides 4.4.2 and I also found the only GAPPS package that is small enough to fit on the E4GT is the "Micro-Modular" version (link also found on the first page). Otherwise, I followed those instructions exactly and was successful installing and upgrading two different E4GT devices.
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Well, I got myself rolled back to ICS FI27 and rooted, so all I need now is a custom recovery and I'll be ready to flash CM11!

I should know by now...whenever I'm perplexed or confused as to how to get something done, I just need to head over to YouTube and look for Tim Schofield's videos (aka QBKing77). That dude makes everything easy.

To unroot and return to stock condition
How to Unroot/Unbrick your E4GT
(Returns device to ICS stock, no matter what you are running now)

To regain root
How to root the E4GT
(Root the E4GT--for FI27 only)
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Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Sadly, I got the status 7 error because I don't have CWM 6.0 or better (I've got Agat instead)--and I can't even find a download claimed to work for this device.

For now I'm going to try with CM10.1, which I've been happy with in the past.
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Sorry you're having some difficulty. It's been a while since I followed the procedure. However, the correct CWM Recovery (6.0.x.x) was included within the process. I did not have it from the beginning. In fact, I also started out with Agat's Recovery as part of the GB27 JB installation. I want to say it was included in the "Flashed CyanogenMod 10.2 Latest Nightly" step... but not sure. I just know that I did not have to seek out the proper Recovery from outside the procedure I followed.

Agreed on QB King 77... Very helpful dude!
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Sorry you're having some difficulty. It's been a while since I followed the procedure. However, the correct CWM Recovery (6.0.x.x) was included within the process. I did not have it from the beginning. In fact, I also started out with Agat's Recovery as part of the GB27 JB installation. I want to say it was included in the "Flashed CyanogenMod 10.2 Latest Nightly" step... but not sure. I just know that I did not have to seek out the proper Recovery from outside the procedure I followed.

Agreed on QB King 77... Very helpful dude!

I might revisit this; it's certainly possible I overlooked something I was supposed to do. After downgrading to ICS and regaining root, I tried following the steps in the XDA thread thinking that was all I had to do. That said, in your opinion is it worthwhile to spend the time it would take me to go from CM10.1 to CM11.0? While I agree it would be cool to run a Kitkat-based ROM on my device, is it that much better on this phone?
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Does anyone know if this ROM will support Google Music v4.4.811H.526848?

Or, as I like to call it, the last version before they went to the Orange Creamsicle Overload theme while they also disabled long-press and playlist re-ordering.

FWIW, in working through this I've noticed that Android or Titanium or Google, or some combination of the three, don't like to restore Google apps from backup. I've been on three different ROMs in the past few days, stock JB, stock ICS, and CM10.1 and it's the same across all of them. The only way I could get Google Play Music working was to download it from the marketplace. A pleasant surprise ensued, however: for whatever reason when I did the download, I got the pre-orange creamsicle version, same version number as I mentioned above.

It's also been good to go through a few flashings. I feel much more comfortable with the process now.
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Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

I might revisit this; it's certainly possible I overlooked something I was supposed to do. After downgrading to ICS and regaining root, I tried following the steps in the XDA thread thinking that was all I had to do. That said, in your opinion is it worthwhile to spend the time it would take me to go from CM10.1 to CM11.0? While I agree it would be cool to run a Kitkat-based ROM on my device, is it that much better on this phone?

In my opinion... for me personally... I have found this particular Kit-Kat ROM to be the smoothest, fastest, and best running ROM I've ever had on my E4GT. The GB27 Jellybean ROM was also a very good one, as well. However, I'm finding that this Kit-Kat ROM is much more efficient with the processor and RAM. Running most of the same apps, I was always hovering around 88%-92% of used RAM on JB... now I'm seeing levels of 76%-85%, rarely ever coming near the 90% range (I have a CleanMaster alert set). After I got everything properly dialed-in, I'm also finding this ROM to be the very best with Battery Power, as well. The only issues I've experienced, which were well documented in the forum are no Dock Audio Output, and having to initiate a workaround to get MMS working reliably (using the 8SMS app). One other issue, which may be unique to my specific phone, is that when I (rarely) attempt to use the speaker phone function, it seems my voice is a bit low and/or muffled for the person on the other end. However, all works perfectly for phone calls over both the standard phone and BT headset. Bonus: I also find that GPS Fix time and stability has been excellent on Kit-Kat (something that's always been a bit dicey with the E4GT from day one).

In summary, while GB27 JB was very good, I most likely would be pulling the trigger on a Moto X right now. However, because of the rejuvenation I'm experiencing with this Kit-Kat ROM, I now have no issue continuing to use this E4GT as my Daily Driver for the next several months (or longer), waiting to see what the new HTC One brings or even waiting until late summer when Lenovo-Moto releases their latest Moto X.
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

I'm definitely tempted.

I downloaded Clean Master earlier today and have been checking it ever so often. After trying to deliberately hammer the phone with all sorts of different requests, I find that RAM usage seems to hover between 75% and 85%, unless I run the tool to clean it in which case it drops to somewhere around 60%.

Which variant of GB27 were you on prior to flashing CM11?
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Is there a video of the E4GT running 4.4.2?? I was just ready to root to 4.2.1 until I saw this post...

The issues I see won't really bother me much, I just want an upgrade from this unrooted jelly bean (4.1.2).

Must you really be using FL24? That would mean I would downgrade from GB27. Anyhow, I'm just asking for a video of Kit Kat working on this device. I have to see it to believe it...
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Is there a video of the E4GT running 4.4.2?? I was just ready to root to 4.2.1 until I saw this post...

The issues I see won't really bother me much, I just want an upgrade from this unrooted jelly bean (4.1.2).

Must you really be using FL24? That would mean I would downgrade from GB27. Anyhow, I'm just asking for a video of Kit Kat working on this device. I have to see it to believe it...

Although not in a straight line (see details posted above), I went from stock rooted 4.2.2 to CM10.1 which is also a 4.2.2 variant. At the same time I went from a GB27 modem to an FI27 one. I have to say the improvement in performance is unmistakeable, and the battery life has improved too. (Or seems to; might be too early to tell at this stage.).

So if CM11 runs significantly better still, I'd say it's definitely worth it.
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

I'm just asking for a video of Kit Kat working on this device. I have to see it to believe it...

Wow... Don't know why you'd think I was not being honest about the upgrade working, as I'm simply trying to share my positive experience with the group here that was very helpful to me in the past. --- Anyway, I found this video on YouTube, which I believe depicts the earlier 4.4.2 version of this ROM. This is NOT my video, just one I found. ("Search" is your friend).

Install CyanogenMod 11.0 Android 4.4.2 KitKat to Your Epic 4G Touch (Updated for 2014) - YouTube

While sourcing that video, I just found this one... but haven't watched it yet. It appears to be a 7-minute review of this specific ROM.

Finally, here's another XDA thread you may find helpful and informative.

[GUIDE][HOW-TO]Go from stock unrooted to 4.4.2 in 10 minutes or less! No PC needed! - xda-developers

Not sure what else I can provide at this point. Have Fun!
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Wow... Don't know why you'd think I was not being honest about the upgrade working,

At the risk of putting words in the mouth of another, I'm sure it wasn't meant that way. I'm a longtime member and frequent poster on another forum and people jokingly post things like "Pics or it didn't happen!". It's not like they're calling anyone out.

And I for one am very grateful to you for your thread because it provided the much needed push I needed to try flashing ROMs again.
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Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

Wow... Don't know why you'd think I was not being honest about the upgrade working, as I'm simply trying to share my positive experience with the group here that was very helpful to me in the past

It wasn't my intention to accuse you of anything, it's just that I just recently rooted my phone and this is all new to me. Just trying to be sure. But thanks for the videos. Now I'm really pumped to flash this ROM to my phone!! (Haven't had an update since 4.1 came out early last year...)
Re: Kit-Kat 4.4.2 Running Great on the Epic 4G Touch --- Yes, it's true!

To recap the last steps listed from the other thread:

1. Flashed phone back to stock using SimpleDownloaderTool for SPH-D710 (Click "Download" tab, file named:device(Install),Others (Software) (ver.OS Update GB27 (Jelly_Bean))
2. Let boot, then re-booted into download mode
3. Flashed One-Click EL26_Stock_CWM5.exe
4. Booted into recovery
5. Flashed tdunham's Jellybean Format All X2
6. Flashed CyanogenMod 10.2 Latest Nightly
7. Let boot, then booted into recovery
8. Flashed tdunham's Jellybean Format All X2
9. Flashed Modem
10. Flashed CyanogenMod 11 - AndroidCyanogenM 4.4.1
11. Flashed GAPPS Google Stock Package 4.3-20131102

(Regarding these hyperlinks, be sure to see my disclaimer in Post #6.)

When I was unable to flash CM11 before, the snag seemed to be the fact that I had a CWM v5 recovery on my device, but from the process of flashing CM10.1 I now have CWM . Does this mean that I can now do just the bolded steps to move up to CM11?

ETA: Also bolded step 7, which is obviously necessary and which I'm sure the OP assumed I meant.
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