How to Turn Off Your Shutter Sound In 2 Minutes


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
First of all you must be rooted and have a file explorer with read/write. This is very easy and is posted by freeza at xda. So I figured I would just share the information with my friends here. So if you use this please give him a thanks.

1. browse to system/csc

2. open feature.xml in a text editor. (With root explorer hold down on the file and choose open in text editor.)

3. Under find the following line

Change the false to true. Save and exit. Reboot your phone and under camera settings just under GPS Tag you will have the option to turn it on or off.

To get this to work you must also change permissions.

NOTE: This DOES work! However, ES File Explorer changes the permissions - Make it rw-r-r, reboot, and the shutter sound menu will magically appear and work just fine.
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OK... Now I have something that does work. Here's how to shut off them camera sounds. This time I verified it works before posting. :D

system / media / audio / UI
Scroll down until you see Shutter.ogg and Shutter_multiple.ogg. To the end of both of those file names add .bak
So it will look like this:


You will (of course) need to be rooted and have read/write enabled and restart your phone. Then those pesky shutter sounds will be gone for good.

Thanks should go to drawde40599
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What would happen if you try this without root? Using Astro I can see the files and the things that need to be changed. But I'm curious if it will mess up my phone if I attempt to rename the file? Will it even let me rename the file? I haven't rooted, but really thinking about it only to get rid of the shutter sound. It's so annoying!

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Android Central Forums
So even though I see it, it won't allow me to change it? I've been on the fence about rooting for a long time now, but this has me almost going over the fence.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Android Central Forums
So even though I see it, it won't allow me to change it? I've been on the fence about rooting for a long time now, but this has me almost going over the fence.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Android Central Forums

Correct... You can see it but without read write access you can't change the name or edit anything deeper into the system than the sd card.

Just Flash It !!!
I see you have to have to change anything. I just watched a video from QBKing77 and see rooting is pretty easy on the GS3. I'll give it another month to see if any apps come out to disable the shutter sound before I root. I'm not into custom Roms. I like the phone the way it is except for the shutter sound.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Android Central Forums
i sucessfully rooted my phone so i have read write access but i need to know how to get to the system where im reading or writing...please help

The stock "My Files" app will NOT work fo this. Download Es File Explorer File Manager from the playstore (it is free and will serve our purposes.) Do NOT try to install ES File Explorer (1.5 Cupcake).

After installing from the market open es file explorer and say yes to the version splash screen and push the menu button, now press settings(you will see a little gear icon). Now that your in the settings, scroll to the bottom and check the box "Root Explorer" It will give you a silly warning about SU Request ignore the warning and press the "Yes" Button. If you are properly rooted a Superuser Request button should come up. choose "Allow". Now check the box "Mount File System" You are now setup to read and write from es file explorer.

Press your back button (Once) to exit the settings menu. In the top left of your screen you will see a star and favorites. press that button. In the favorites menu you will see a phone icon. push the "Phone Icon"

Scroll down to the system folder and press on it.
Find the "Media Folder" and press on it.
Find the "Audio Folder" and press on it.
Find the "UI Folder" and press on it.
Scroll down to the "Shutter.ogg file". Press and Hold until the menu shows up and choose rename. Rename file to Shutter.ogg.bak by adding .bak to the end. Click ok when done.
Find "Shutter _multiple.ogg" Complete the same steps as you previously did with Shutter.ogg.

Back out of the ES File explorer app and reboot your phone and enjoy your silent shutter.
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Done! ...and to avoid legal trouble, I programmed Tasker to play a 2 second sample of Roy Orbison's purring in Pretty Woman whenever I use the camera within 50' of a locker room.
Done! ...and to avoid legal trouble, I programmed Tasker to play a 2 second sample of Roy Orbison's purring in Pretty Woman whenever I use the camera within 50' of a locker room.

Lol... nice!

Just Flash It !!!
so while you're around, have you figured out which sound file is the shutter sound in burst mode? I've renamed everything I can find to __.bak, but the sound is still there. so far I've nuked shutter, shutter_multiple, camera_click, camera_click_short. + Cam_start & Cam_stop, which are the video recorder sounds.

Also replaced the PowerOn sound with some Parliament Funkadelic (downloaded Audacity for free onto my laptop, and saved a short clip as an ogg file).
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so while you're around, have you figured out which sound file is the shutter sound in burst mode? I've renamed everything I can find to __.bak, but the sound is still there. so far I've nuked shutter, shutter_multiple, camera_click, camera_click_short. + Cam_start & Cam_stop, which are the video recorder sounds.

Also replaced the PowerOn sound with some Parliament Funkadelic (downloaded Audacity for free onto my laptop, and saved a short clip as an ogg file).

Shutter_multiple.ogg.bak worked for me. Not getting any sounds even in burst mode. Go back in and see that it saved properly and its not listed twice.. remember to reboot before trying it out.
Thank you so much for figuring this out!
now finally can take silence pictures without shutter sound.

:) Also, I post this in other forum connected to here so ppl that need could also fix it as well.

again, thanks !! :)
Thank you so much for figuring this out!
now finally can take silence pictures without shutter sound.

:) Also, I post this in other forum connected to here so ppl that need could also fix it as well.

again, thanks !! :)

You give me way too much credit... I read it and just shared it with you guys. I didn't figure it out.
Hi Skunkape,

I followed all your directions and renamed all the files that had anything to do with my camera--autofocus, shutter, etc. My shutter sound is gone now, but my autofocus still seems to be enabled. Do you have any ideas why that might be?

Thank you
Hi Skunkape,

I followed all your directions and renamed all the files that had anything to do with my camera--autofocus, shutter, etc. My shutter sound is gone now, but my autofocus still seems to be enabled. Do you have any ideas why that might be?

Thank you

In the same folder, try doing the same thing to:

auto focus.ogg
auto_focus_error. ogg
You're my hero.... Now to reinstall Jelly Bean when I get home... As I had bricked my phone here at work but thankfully had backed up the phone before Installing Jelly Bean Leak....

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