[UPDATED 12/30/2012][Sprint Only]UnRoot and Return to stock


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
If you are unrooting to take your phone to Sprint, you will want to clear your flash counts first. If this is not required you can skip this step.


This procedure is intended only for Sprint Galaxy S3 devices running Android 4.1.2 or earlier.[/warn]

[NOTE]Always check your current count state in download mode prior to using triangle away. If what Triangle Away and what is shown in download mode doesn't match, do not proceed.[/NOTE]

You will be will be resetting your phone with an app called triangle away, which has just been updated to support all US versions of the GS3. Click on the link below to download triangle away.

Click here To download Triangle Away
Please thank Chainfiire for developing this great app.

Installation instructions and how to use it are in QBKING77's Video Below.

Here's a one file one flash method to return to stock. This will return you phone to a stock unrooted state. While you will need your drivers and Odin desktop loaded, you will only be flashing a single file to your phone.

[INFO]This Has Been Updated on Dec. 30, 2012. The new Return to Stock file will fix many of the issues that were present with the old file. It will no longer wipe your data or set up. It should also fix the issue with hanging on the Samsung screen. If you are currently on ICS this method will also update you to the current LJ7 Jellybean without wiping your data.[/INFO]

[NOTE]Your Samsung Drivers MUST be installed correctly on your computer prior to continuing.

Wait until the software installs completely before plugging your device into the computer. When you have completed driver installation, plug in your device. The computer should now tell you it is installing drivers, click on the details and wait until there is a green check by all the drivers. Unplugging your device before it's complete will cause you problems...

Attention Windows 8 Users: The drivers below are updated to work on Windows 8. If you have upgraded to Windows 8, installed these drivers and they still won't work, you will have to install the drivers in compatibility mode. [/NOTE]

GS3 Drivers Download and install on your computer.[/NOTE]

Preparing Your Computer
You will need to download the following files to your desktop or notebook computer. Just click on the file names and that should download the file required. I would suggest you make a folder on your desktop and name it something like Root GS3 Odin 3.07 Samsung-Updates.com-SPH-L710_SPR_1_20121019105628_mflxsj3ffx.zip Return to Stock JellyBean After downloading the above files to your computer: 1. double click on the "Odin 3.07 zip". Copy the "Odin307" folder into your "UnRoot GS3" folder. Double Click on "Samsung-Updates.com-SPH-L710_SPR_1_20121019105628_mflxsj3ffx.zip" And Copy "KIES_HOME_L710VPBLJ7_L710SPRBLJ7_329968_REV03_user_low_ship.tar.md5" files to the UnRoot GS3 folder. In other words, extract the tar.md5 file from the zip and copy it to the UnRoot GS3 folder.

Using Odin
1. Open the "Odin307" folder and right click on "Odin3 v3.07.exe" and choose run as administrator. Odin will open. 2. place your phone into download mode. Turn off phone - press and hold volume down, home button and power button at the same time. When you see the warning push the volume up button to continue. 3. Plug your usb cord to your phone and computer and wait until you see any number and com in the ID com block. 4. Check the PDA block and click on the pda button to browse to "KIES_HOME_L710VPBLJ7_L710SPRBLJ7_329968_REV03_user_low_ship.tar.md5" in your UnRoot GS3 Folder 5. Verify Auto Reboot is checked as well as F. Reset Time

When all this is setup Odin should look like this:


6. If everything looks like the picture, click on the start button in Odin.

[note]Note: This is vary large file and make take up to 10 minutes to complete.
If your phone sticks on the samsung screen for more than 5 minutes, boot into stock recovery and perform wipe/factory reset. Then restart your phone. First boot normally takes longer, so please be patient.[/note]

When the phone leaves download mod and starts to reboot you can remove the usb cord.
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And this is for sprint galaxy s3 sph-l710 ?

Absolutely... it is only for the Sprint version. I have used this method 4 or 5 times already. It will bring your phone to the same software version it came with on release day.

Just Flash It !!!
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

since you seem to be the phone genius in here, let me ask you a question.
does all this installing and uninstalling cause any problems with the phone? say like it save unnecessary files on the phone (decreasing storage and ram)?
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

No It doesn't.
And I'm far from a genius but I have come a long way since I had the OG Epic4g. ;)
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

Ok, does it reinstall the stock recovery? So that I can accept the ota that my phone says I have. This is my second s3 in 4 days, flashed blazer Rom and it hard bricked my first one, best buy exchanged it for a new one.just trying to be more cautious now.but your positive it won't mess this one up?
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

How come there aren't any other methods to return my sprint s3 to stock and un rooted?
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

This s3 seems to be allot more skittish (if you will)
Than my epic touch
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

I will try your method later when I get home from work, can I count on you for support if I need it?
How come there aren't any other methods to return my sprint s3 to stock and un rooted?

This is the simplest. You can't just uninstall. Just like updates that are ota pushed to your phone. You can't uninstall them either. If you are rooted already, you should already have both the drivers and Odin installed on your computer. Just download one file and flash. It should be very easy for you.

My method is nothing more than the original firmware that came on your phone and installed by samsung. All you're doing is flashing it back with Odin. If you want to reset it completely and remove all your apps and data as well. It can be done as well but since most people would like to save that, I didn't include the steps to do so.

You can also install ota root keeper from the market. It will temporarily disable root which used to work well to get ota updates but the manufacturers and carriers are getting smarter and look for stock recovery as well, so it just keeps getting harder to fool them.

If you are on a custom Rom it will most likely be getting the update soon if not already. So you can wait and flash the upgraded Rom.

Just Flash It !!!
Ok, does it reinstall the stock recovery? So that I can accept the ota that my phone says I have. This is my second s3 in 4 days, flashed blazer Rom and it hard bricked my first one, best buy exchanged it for a new one.just trying to be more cautious now.but your positive it won't mess this one up?

about the only way your going to hard brick your phone with this method is if you lose download mode. If that happens there is really nothing you can do about it. And yes it does happen very rarely. I lost an epic this way. But since you have already rooted using Odin and had no issues you most likely will never have issues. It is normally incorrect drivers, bad usb cables and usb ports that cause this. Just use the same cable and port you used last time when rooting and there shouldn't be any problems.:D

You can gtalk with me if you want help. I will pm my gtalk contact info.

Just Flash It !!!
I just wanted to ask, has anyone tried this and had any problems?

Just Flash It !!!
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

I think what bricked mine was I used clock work mod touch.I can't seem to find any other recoveries.and like you (maybe not ad advanced) I too have flashed my butt off in the past years on og Evo 4g, palm pre, epic touch 4 g and now this.oh, and I rooted the new evo lte that I had a month ago, didn't like that phone.it got really, really hot!
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

After I use it later I will post my results and ease of use.thanx
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

And Odin I flashed with I'd Odin 3 v.3 outs that ok to use or should I just use yours from above, I've already downloaded it as well
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

And Odin I flashed with I'd Odin 3 v.3 outs that ok to use or should I just use yours from above, I've already downloaded it as well

I don't know what all was changed in 3.07. But I have used both and can't see any differences. If you used 3.03 and had success I see no real reason to change.
Re: UnRoot and Return to stock

If you want to wait a minute. I am verifying some things right now. Just to make sure there are no issues with the stock tar file as I had to rezip it to post it for download.

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