Ok nexus s 4g now rooted what now?


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
OK Nexus s 4G is rooted the one click method.Can anyone direct me to what I should do next?
Install A custom rom, I usually recommend deck but seeing as he is not on 2.3.5 I'd have to say use stock GRJ90 and the KE5 radio update (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1185812) . Flash rom then the KE5 radio finally flash your kernel (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1137373) and download v4.0 as the other two are a tad unstable. Ya have a nice rooted NS4G on the latest firmware. I know some people will complain that you can just flash a 2.3.4 rom and flash the radio over. This is true but in my experience that doesn't fix the issues as 2.3.5 has patches to help with the radio as well. Hope this helps. PM me if you have any issues.
I recommend deck's ROM too. If you are not having any radio issues, I would go with that. I'm not too worried about him getting to an update because I don't have any of the issues they fixed. Also, try all of the newer Matr1x kernels. They react differently on different phones. Personally, I've had great kuck with 5.0. Totally stable, fast, amazing battery life, and I can over lock all the way up, whereas with the last version I would crash at 1.3. Good luck

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Where can I get these Roms from?I am new at this.I would like to try some overclocking if possible
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i use cm and matr1x kernel, 2.3.5 didnt bring much to the table, so little in fact that on the 25th cm had already merged teh changes, just waiting on them to flip the switch and get it out to the public. for a better understanding, 2.3.4 brought a bunch of stuff and took them almost a month to get integrated.

so if not having the +0.0.1 on your version number is enough to draw you away from a great custom rom.. well then best of luck ;)
I find that you're always better off starting with the cfs and staying with it if you're happy. In my experience they are typically smoother. All the CM7 lovers here should try deck's ROM. All the best bits from CM7 but faster, with better battery life, and without the bloat

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Thank you for the responses, I did some reading in the interim after posting and came to same conclusion.
could someone please give me instructions on how to flash this 2.3.5 rom onto my phone, I don't want to do anything without being certain, thank you.
I'm to in the same boat, I just rooted and installed wireless tether. I am still confused with all the talk about roms and kernels. Is Cyanogenmod good enough rom?
Ok here is what I have learned so far.I had 2.3.5 update installed on my phone and I did the one click root.After that I downloaded ron manager from app market.Once download I did my backup then flashed my rom.(within rom manager)then I downloaded matrix kernal from the xda developers forum.after I installed that to my SD card I downloaded rom (within rom manager).After that phone rebooted and bam I had everything I wanted.New at this so excuse some of my directions.If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.If I know it I will share it lol......also it changed me from 2.3.5 back to 2.3.4 but that's ok the update was nothing anyway but to remove free tethering.I have a screaming speaker now after tweeking adjustments.The rom I used was the cm7
Ok here is what I have learned so far.I had 2.3.5 update installed on my phone and I did the one click root.After that I downloaded ron manager from app market.Once download I did my backup then flashed my rom.(within rom manager)then I downloaded matrix kernal from the xda developers forum.after I installed that to my SD card I downloaded rom (within rom manager).After that phone rebooted and bam I had everything I wanted.New at this so excuse some of my directions.If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.If I know it I will share it lol......also it changed me from 2.3.5 back to 2.3.4 but that's ok the update was nothing anyway but to remove free tethering.I have a screaming speaker now after tweeking adjustments.The rom I used was the cm7

Which CM7 rom did you flash? The newest nightly? I can't find a stable one anywhere.
Try deck's rom. Some of the nicer mods from CM without the bloat. Fast with great battery life

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Trying deck now gonna see how good the battery will be.It looks basically stock.So far no freezing so that's a plus
Ok I'm liking so far.Do you know of any more good roms with a nice UI ?

No, I like to stick with simple and uncluttered. I think there's one called MIUI or something like that that has a ton of eye candy

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