Thinking about buying the Samsung Galaxy Note


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Dec 13, 2011
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Hey, guys! I was thinking about getting the Note because I have an upgrade available, and I want a bigger sized screen. I have a few questions though.

1) Do you think that a new Samsung Galaxy Note will be released anytime soon?

2) How is the battery life?

3) Will it ever get ICS or the newer OS coming out, Jelly Bean?

Thanks for the help and advice!


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Jul 5, 2010
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Not sure when the next Note will be released, have heard end of this year as
a rumor.

Battery life seems to be on par with most other phones.

ICS should be here within a month or less.
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Dec 13, 2011
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Not sure when the next Note will be released, have heard end of this year as
a rumor.

Battery life seems to be on par with most other phones.

ICS should be here within a month or less.

Thanks for the info! One more thing if you don't mind. Is there a root available for it?


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Rumor has it the next Note will release overseas in October -- but if the first Note was any indication, then it won't hit our shores until Feb 2013.

I've been very happy with my Note -- it's the best smartphone I've ever owned. I certainly recommend it.

(Edit: Feb 2013, not Feb 2012.)
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Dec 13, 2011
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Thanks everyone for the input! The only reason why I need a root on my phone is because I use Google Voice to text with my current phone, the iPhone 4, and I use a tweak to integrate it into the native Messaging app.


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Jun 14, 2012
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I love my note. And just as a recommendation the note is new enough. Even if the note 2 does come within the next year we will have so much better ROMs for our device that it will still be substantially better than the new one for quite some time. The only thing I don't like about the note is the black crush issue. You can search for this on Google if you are unfamiliar with the anomaly. From what I've read not everyone has it and some have it worse than others. Its something that I assume will be fixed by Samsung eventually and I'm not too concerned about it myself. As for root. There are several great roms on xda already and they are getting updated every couple days pretty steadily. I use the Team Insomnia's Juggernaut v6.0 and its awesome. Also... its great to see ladies out there flashing and getting into their devices.

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Just wait for Note 2. The original is already almost a year old. Samsung already has ICS almost ready for Galaxy S 2 so the Note 2 will ship with ICS for sure. But by then 4.1 Jellybean could be ready for launch. It would suck to be teased with Jellybean if you bought the original note and still had Gingerbread.
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Dec 12, 2011
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If you check out the very top of the GNote forum - Jerry has the step necessary to root a stock GNote, very easy to follow and it works well.

I don't think Jelly Bean is close but watch Google IO for signs at the end of the month (June 27-29) the developers there will get word before the rest of us.

The International GNote was released in October but as above the AT&T version - which is a different phone in many ways, released in Feb. No one knows but it wouldn't be surprised to see the GNote 2 follow the same path.

There are already ICS leaks for the GNote available on XDA and others. Samsung has said the GNote will definately get an official update and I believe the International GNote has already had it pushed in Europe, though that will not work on the AT&T model.

I haven't seen anyone who got a GNote who didn't fall in love with the phone. Wait it only takes a few days 'till you will look at the iPhone and say "how did I use a phone that small"
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I bought the Galaxy Note less than 2 weeks ago. It is weird at first, but as has been said, you fall in love with it in a couple days. And as has been said, you look at an iPhone and ponder how anyone can use such a tiny device. Even the 4.7" screen phones look tiny to me now.

The Note is large enough that reading a book on it seems completely normal. And you can read your screen without scraping your eyeball on the glass.

I'd got for it all over again.
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I'm not sure if I can wait any longer for a new phone! Haha. iOS has gotten boring for me, and the iPhone's screen is so tiny. I really want a bigger screen and the Note really fits everything I want.


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Jan 26, 2012
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I'm not sure if I can wait any longer for a new phone! Haha. iOS has gotten boring for me, and the iPhone's screen is so tiny. I really want a bigger screen and the Note really fits everything I want.

If you really want it, go and get it!:);):D:p:thumbup:

Sent from my EVO using Android Central Forums
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Dec 13, 2011
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I'm going to try and get it tomorrow, if not tomorrow then next week for sure. Thanks for all the help! You don't know how much it has helped me ^^


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May 14, 2012
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I'm going to try and get it tomorrow, if not tomorrow then next week for sure. Thanks for all the help! You don't know how much it has helped me ^^

I know you'll be hooked once you get it. Good luck with it ;-)

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Android Central Forums


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May 8, 2012
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I love the device but have grown to absolutely hate Samsung. They are horrendously slow to get updates out and their engineers are made to focus too much attn on the next greatest device and they sacrifice support for previously released devices.

So while I love the note I have purchased my last Samsung device...


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Nov 22, 2010
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I love the device but have grown to absolutely hate Samsung. They are horrendously slow to get updates out and their engineers are made to focus too much attn on the next greatest device and they sacrifice support for previously released devices.

So while I love the note I have purchased my last Samsung device...

I have the original Galaxy Tab. The 7" model that they first released. Never upgraded. I then bought the 10.1". To this day all they have done is add TouchWiz to it. It will likely never see ICS. I have said the same exact thing you said. In fact, I had 4 bad 10.1" tabs in a row!!! Seriously. I got so mad about it I left Android and went back to the iPhone. That was the iPhone 4 and then the 4S.

Before I went back to the iPhone, I had a Nexus S, also made by Samsung, which was complete junk. So bad in fact I simply gave it away and ate the penalty for early termination.

I had the iPhone 4 and 4S for about a year. In which time noting on the iPhone really changed. I got Siri, which I totally love. And iOS caught up a little with Gingerbread in that it finally got a notification system, which is not nearly as good an Android's.

The only really good Android phone I had was the HTC EVO. HTC really took care of it with updates. And I swore I'd never buy anything from Samsung again. Of course I am using my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 again, faulty screen and all. And I own an iPad 3rd gen too. And I bought the Samsung Galaxy Note, which I LOVE. And when the Galaxy Note 10.1 releases, I'll buy that too.

Why am I using Samsung products when I hate Samsung so much? I'm nodding my head in disgust because as much as I hate the company, I like what they are doing with Android. I have resigned myself to this one rule when I bought the Note. I told myself I'd never see ICS on it. And I asked myself if that was okay before I bought it. Did I want it for what it is right now, not what it might become? And I tried it out for a week while still keeping my iPhone 4S before I decided. I decided to go with the Note regardless.

I agree with you 100%. Samsung is awful. They don't care about the post sale and that will hurt them in the future. No matter how anyone feels about the iPhone, at least they get updates. Samsung and AT&T need to stop thinking about the customer they might have tomorrow. They need to think about the customers they have today. Keep them happy and stop this bull .
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