HTC Raider in Canada! I want this in the USA!


Sep 27, 2011
Who wishes the Raider would come to the good ol' USA??
This phone looks awesome and I want it!!


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2011
Yo, Dog, check out the threads in this section. I've been wanting this phone since the first pix leaked back in May!! Now for the fun part: getting HTC and AT&T off their collective butts and getting it released here. AT&T is woefully behind the curve in their high end Android phone selection. This phone would go a Long way toward correcting that.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
Fully with both of you here. AT&T's Android line-up is a joke. I think this has more to do with them wanting to be the King of the Windows phones. They have been working hard to get in bed with MS ever since they lost their exclusive with the iPhone.

Hopefully thinks are looking up. I was going to buy a GS2, but I don't want to buy a new phone that is already six months old. Really like what I read about this phone. Also very hopeful news that the FTC has a device that sounds a lot like a Razor, but with AT&T frequencies.

Feel a little down that the only way to keep an unlimited plan is to stay with AT&T. If Verizon still had unlimited I would be gone in a heartbeat. Our area has Verizon LTE and it is very sweet.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2011
Fully with both of you here. AT&T's Android line-up is a joke. I think this has more to do with them wanting to be the King of the Windows phones. They have been working hard to get in bed with MS ever since they lost their exclusive with the iPhone.

Hopefully thinks are looking up. I was going to buy a GS2, but I don't want to buy a new phone that is already six months old. Really like what I read about this phone. Also very hopeful news that the FTC has a device that sounds a lot like a Razor, but with AT&T frequencies.

Feel a little down that the only way to keep an unlimited plan is to stay with AT&T. If Verizon still had unlimited I would be gone in a heartbeat. Our area has Verizon LTE and it is very sweet.

That unlimited data plan is one of the main things keeping me with AT&T. I'm grandfathered in, courtesy of this BlackBerry I'm currently stuck with. Your logic behind your trepidations over the GS2 is impeccable and matches mine. I'd go with the GS2 if the Raider wasn't close, but I definitely Want that Raider.


Sep 27, 2011
Eshr, I actually ordered a GSII, had it in my hand and new I wouldn't be happy, I couldn't open it. I returned it to my local AT&T store for a full refund and I'm holding out for the next 1.2Ghz + 4.5" disp. phone we're all hoping comes to AT&T. So I'm limping along with my weak iPhone4 for now.

Keeping up the faith in someone at AT&T to realize Android is a force to be recon'd with. "These aren't the droids you're looking for" I want those over there!!


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
Feel a little down that the only way to keep an unlimited plan is to stay with AT&T. If Verizon still had unlimited I would be gone in a heartbeat. Our area has Verizon LTE and it is very sweet.

That unlimited data plan is one of the main things keeping me with AT&T. I'm grandfathered in, courtesy of this BlackBerry I'm currently stuck with. Your logic behind your trepidations over the GS2 is impeccable and matches mine. I'd go with the GS2 if the Raider wasn't close, but I definitely Want that Raider.

I feel ya both, I too have an AT&T Unlimited Blackberry Plan (Bold 9700) the phone does the job, but I want something more. I've been off contract since April, and been saving my money and reading the reviews. The more I read, the more I wait, for the next device. I'm thinking a phone with LTE will help future proof my purchase, a little better. I'm hoping Black Friday or Cyber Monday brings me "An offer I can't refuse"


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2011
Like you, Chill, I'm limping along on a Bold 9700. My upgrade came up this month and I was hoping not to have to wait too long to exercise it. The Raider's specs are exactly what I've been looking for. I like HTC's build quality, the Sense UI, and their readiness to keep their products reasonably up to date even when the carriers drag their feet. Yes, there are exceptions (see the TBolt debacle), but HTC is usually far better than Samsung, Moto or LG at updating their phones. For those reasons, I'm containing my frustrations (more or less) and waiting for the Raider.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
I wish I knew whent this thing was coming to ATT. I upgraded from my Bold 9700 to the Infuse in Aug at Costco. They have a 90 day return policy. Now the SGII is available, but I have only 10 days left. SGII was a lock until I heard about this! I would much rather have an HTC and LTE!! Probably will not have enough time though.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2011
I wish I knew whent this thing was coming to ATT. I upgraded from my Bold 9700 to the Infuse in Aug at Costco. They have a 90 day return policy. Now the SGII is available, but I have only 10 days left. SGII was a lock until I heard about this! I would much rather have an HTC and LTE!! Probably will not have enough time though.

Damn, Dude, I feel your pain.I want that Raider badly. With that time frame, I don't know what to tell you. I have my upgrade available, so I can wait. If I HAD to make the choice, I'd probably get the GS2 while I could and see if I could pull another swap when the Raider comes out. The GS2 ain't bad. It's just not up to what the Raider is, darn it. There are a lot of folks who like it. The other problem with it is that Sammy doesn't have the rep for keeping its phones updated that HTC does. Good Luck, Man!


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2011
I'm the same with the unlimited as you guys. Upgraded from a Nokia E71x to an Inspire 4G in May. I think the Raider will be my next phone unless the Nexus is lte on AT&T.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2011
My wife has the Inspire (also up from the E71x). She's happy with it, especially after the Gingerbread update stabilized things. I want high end coz I'll be power using it, big time, hence the Raider. Raider also has a better shot at getting ICS down the road.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2010
I purchased the Inspire in April full price to save my upgrade for the Holiday/Raider (My upgrade was available in April but I knew in my heart something HTC with FFC and hopefully NFC was coming). And my wife is still sporting a WM 6.5 Tilt 2 also saving the upgrade for the Holiday/Raider (her upgrade became available in May).

I hope when it does come that it has NFC.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2011
I don't know about NFC, but the rest of the specs are killer. I hope our members in Canada who get one of these will report back to us on it.

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