AndroidAuto bug that's existed for years with ZERO fixes. How do we get Google's attention on this?


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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Android Auto with what seems to be any vehicle head unit, and Android device, using the built in text messaging features is just straight up broken.

There's a huge community post of it here:

251 replies, zero from google.

Here's what happens:
Start a text message via Android Auto - say your message, AA will then ask you ''send it or change it''

You say ''send it'' and it'll ask you again, ''would you like to send it or change it?''

You say ''send it'' and after 3 failures it just stops.

Pull up your Android recordings at :

You find that AA is picking up on its own recordings all the time. So it makes total sense the ''send it'' is not going through as its getting mixed messages.

I've reported this multiple times to google, I've posted on the community, I just dont know what to do at this point. This has been an issue for actual years and never fixed or touched on by Google.

I worry this will be just like every other google made app, ignored and no bug fixes come to light, then a couple years later they just make an all new app with its own slew of issues. The google way it seems.

What can we do?

There's a working theory that when you're using Google Play Music it makes this bug happen more often. For me if I'm in my vehicle I'm 100% using GPM, so the solution of force stopping the music app before texting is never going to be a solution.


Android Central editors, I wish ya'll would pick up on this and bring more attention then what us general plebeians can do.


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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Are you using a USB 3.0 cable connected to a USB 3.0 port? That's a known bug with certain phones (like Google's own phones) and they're working on it.

As for Google paying more attention to the people who run Mobile Nations (the company that owns Android Central) than it does to users, it just doesn't work that way. A complaint from MN is one complaint to Google, that's all.

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