How to back up/save individual texts in Lollipop?


Oct 7, 2013
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I just got a Galaxy S6 on T-mobile after a couple of years with my old beloved S3 and although there's much to love about the new phone, too, I've found several frustrating changes and I'm on the fence about keeping it.

One thing I haven't found a solution for: In Jelly Bean, Samsung's stock messaging app would let you select individual texts and save them to your phone in a file (.XML, I think) and restore them back to their original conversation. I have yet to figure out how to do this in Lollipop. I've tried several third-party apps (Textra, My Backup, SMS Backup + and possibly others I've forgotten) but they don't do what I want. I don't want every text backed up (I send and receive hundreds a day), I don't want anything automatically backed up, and I don't want it backed up to my Google account, Gmail, Dropbox, or anywhere else on the planet that's not my phone.

I don't have to save text messages very often but when I do, it's important enough to be a deal breaker and I'm thinking about returning the phone because of little frustrations like this. So is there a way to do this with the stock app or a third-party texting app?

While we're on the subject of texting, is there a faster way to select multiple messages besides long-tapping each one? I literally have 1000+ messages a week from my sister/roommate (we work opposite shifts so during the week texting is our main way to communicate) and sometimes I don't want to delete all of them at once.

One more thing (slightly off topic but still text-related): is there a better way to send and receive emojis with an iPhone user than the outdated version of Go SMS Pro I'm currently using? (I also have an old version of their emoji plugin.) I use the app all the time even though I hate it, because I have a guy friend who's an Apple fanboy and sometimes we have entire conversations that are nothing but emojis. Part of the reason I wanted an S6 was because of the themes. I started using Go apps in the first place because I wanted to customize my phone, but they hog memory and drive me crazy with ads.

Sorry for such a long post. It just seemed faster to put all my questions in the same place. I'm trying to find and solve potential problems as quickly as possible. T-Mobile gives you 14 or 20 days to return an unwanted phone and I'm still deciding whether to keep it or go back to my old phone and carrier.

Thanks for any help!