Looking for users to test out apps! Easy way to earn $10 Gift Card!


New member
Sep 12, 2013
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Hi Everyone!
How are you doing?
We are recruiting beta testers to try out 25 different apps.

<Participant Requirements>
-Resides in the United States, Japan or China
-Uses mobile apps regularly
-Prepared to give honest, and sincere feedback

-$10 Amazon Gift Card per test
-Number of Tests: 1 ~ 25

<Test Info>
-Test the app(s) for 15 ~ 20 minutes, then fill out a questionnaire with helpful detailed responses

<Recruitment Date>
September 11th ~ September 27th

*Selected users will be announced in this thread in reply and will be contacted separately through email

<How to Apply>
- Click the link below, fill out a survey, and click Submit!

Please and thanks!