Barometer and accelerometer: How are they useful?


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2010
Coming from a Rezound, I'm pretty sure these were features I didn't have. What benefits do having a gyroscope, accelerometer, proximity sensor, digital compass, and barometer offer the user? I understand it has to do with the phone orientation but am unclear in their benefits. Any explanation would be great! Thanks!
Proximity sensor is helpful during calls as it turns off the screen when your face come within a certain range. Accelerometer is for screen rotation. Gyroscope is just a more advanced accelerometer it had 4 axises. Barometer detects air pressure, and but I don't think it has a use yet.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
also useful when using maps, it will show what direction you are facing as opposed to just dot... certain games utilize them as well
I love the barometer feature on my GN! Here's an app that I have been using that takes advantage of the sensor. It's called SyPressure, it's free (upgrade is $1.30). It's pretty accurate at predicting rain in the area (dropping pressure), and even has a widget alert system to warn you of changing conditions. Just install it, let it run a few hours to let it find a trend... Enjoy!
Great explanations. Thank you all for your feedback! Waterfowl- I downloaded that app. Pretty cool. I have to play around with it. Thanks for the link .
  • Provides the orientation (or attitude) of the device, it's much more accurate and reliable than accelerometers for this purpose.

  • Provides the magnitude and direction in which the device is moving. As the name implies, it measures the acceleration along any given axis.
  • Can be used to determine orientation of the device if you use accelerometers along 3 or 4 axis, but is significantly less accurate and prone to errors.

  • As the name implies, it provides you your heading. It is aligned assuming you're holding the device face up and the top of the device away from you.
  • Input from the Gyroscope and Accelerometers allow for more reliable compass readings should your device not be oriented flat and face up.

  • Provides barometric pressure to aid in determining your altitude. Knowing your altitude can speed up a GPS lock. I'm not entirely sold on the success of this yet, since barometric pressure is not a constant with altitude.
  • Provides the orientation (or attitude) of the device, it's much more accurate and reliable than accelerometers for this purpose.

  • Provides the magnitude and direction in which the device is moving. As the name implies, it measures the acceleration along any given axis.
  • Can be used to determine orientation of the device if you use accelerometers along 3 or 4 axis, but is significantly less accurate and prone to errors.

  • As the name implies, it provides you your heading. It is aligned assuming you're holding the device face up and the top of the device away from you.
  • Input from the Gyroscope and Accelerometers allow for more reliable compass readings should your device not be oriented flat and face up.

  • Provides barometric pressure to aid in determining your altitude. Knowing your altitude can speed up a GPS lock. I'm not entirely sold on the success of this yet, since barometric pressure is not a constant with altitude.

Great explanations. Thank you very much!
We have a barometer? I had no idea. I just downloaded SyPressure to play with it. Thanks to everybody for the heads up.