*another* Weird Battery Issue


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
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I got a new thunderbolt because my other had a dead pixel, however I kept the battery, SD card and charger from the first one.

I got only 8 hours of battery life today, that is gps off, 3g off, only wi-fi, screen at 30%.

Display is 49%
Cell standby at 20%
Phone idle 18%
Android system 5%
Wi-Fi 4%
Android OS 2%
com.htc.launcher 2%

My other thunderbolt got at least 12-15 hours with the same stuff above, except I never saw such high numbers for cell standby and phone idle.

Is this normal?


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
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Sounds like rogue process or network issue

Hmm, well I restored from google, and haven't downloaded any new apps yet (I just got the replacement yesterday), so it have all the old apps on my other thunderbolt. Perhaps a network issue, but if I have the mobile network turned off could that really be it?

It just now died on me at 8 hours 10 minutes uptime while I was trying to install the current app. Usually when I wake up I restart my phone off the charger so it's all fresh and new for each day, so the only thing messing with battery might have been the blockbuster app, but wouldn't that show in the battery usage percentage log?


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2009
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So far today my Cell Standby is 8% and Phone Idle is 6%, so yours seem high but i wouldn't actually know what normal would be to be honest


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
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My cell standby is 18% and phone idle 16%, so i'm not far off from you. I use the extended battery but havent noticed any considerable battery drain. Haven't charged my phone in 2 days and I'm still at 47% battery. And that is with screen still on auto, 4g off most of the time, everything full on sync'ing.
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