Weird bug on Android: dots instead of text!


AC Question


I have a HTC One (M7) unbranded with Android 4.4.2 and Sense 6.0.

I am experiencing a really weird and annoying bug on my phone. In some application (HTC mail, HTC calendar, Google Play Newsstand so far) I randomly see ellipses/dots instead of the text it should supposed to be. For instance, in the email app, sometimes I can't read the "delete" or "mark read" options when I select an email. Instead, I see just dots "....".

I hard resetted my phone (it used to happen even with the previous version of HTC Sense). I didn't fix it.

What can I do? Please I need your help!


Jun 29, 2014
Visit site
No, I am not talking about the three dots of the menu on the top right. I am talking about the dots that interrupt the title of the news.

For example, "Egypt's energy c... increased interest in clean tech". It happens with a lot of news titles and also in the email and calendar application where dots take the place of menu texts (edit, delete, make unread, May, June, month, week, etc. )

Any ideas?


Jun 29, 2014
Visit site
No, it's not just condensing. In that case, you will see the dots at the end of the title. Plus, it happens on the menu of other applications. Nothing to condense there.

Very frustrating... Even an hard reset didn't solve the problem. I don't know what to do.