How do I move pics to folders on my Galaxy S3?


AC Question

Can't move pics to folders in Galaxy s3

My galaxy s3 started saving pictures in a path called / storage/emulated/0/DCIM/camera/... I cant move these pics to any other folder on my SD card. What is going on??


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May 23, 2010
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Re: Can't move pics to folders in Galaxy s3

My galaxy s3 started saving pictures in a path called / storage/emulated/0/DCIM/camera/... I cant move these pics to any other folder on my SD card. What is going on??

Using a file manager or photo gallery, you should be able to select the photos you want then move by pressing the menu option to relocate the photos.

If you are talking about automatically saving the pictures there after taken with the camera, then look through the camera settings. Sometimes there is an option to save photos to a specified location.