I have questions about sending sms commands via client cerberus.


AC Question

I have Cerberus installed on my phone and don't understand the instructions on how to send sms commands. First, what and how am I dialing to connect to Cerberus to begin with; and second, upon entering a command what exactly do I type? Am I supposed to write out cerberus and my cerberus account password and then the command? And do I do it all as one word or put spaces between each?


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Jun 6, 2018
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Let's say that you downloaded and purchased the app, set your password to Fakepassword1! and left everything else as default. You then lose your phone and need to find it. So you can use any phone that you want and text yourself "cerberus Fakepassword1! find". Without the parentheses of course.
1st word is a "trigger" word for your phone. Exactly how we use "OK google" or "Alexa". The "computer" needs to hear that trigger word to start doing whatever you want it to do.

2nd is of course your password. You already told your phone to start listening to you. Now it needs the secret password to proceeed.

3rd word is what you want it to do. Cerberus has a list of commands. So for instance you wanna find your phone. You text yourself "cerberus Fakepassword1! find" The 1st step, 2nd step and 3rd step each have to be separated by a space. So after you text that it'll reply back with the coordinates so you can map it.

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