cant download or update apps over wifi after installing 6.0.1


AC Question

I have a Note 5 and also have a galaxy s6. I updated both phones to 6.0.1 and now can't use play store or watch YouTube videos. I have reset, factory reset, rebooted router, updated firmware on router, cleared cache on phones and booted in safe mode with no luck. My WiFi works with other android devices that I have and also I can use WIFI to surf the web on those two devices.. PLEASE HELP! Not sure what other options I have.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2011
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First let me say thank you for including so many details. OMG you'd be surprised how many times I see posts with,my phone doesn't work or something very similar. Hahaha. Anyway it sounds like you've covered a lot. The factory reset really should have been the kicker. Well I found this list and it sounds like you've done a few of them but look it over and be sure.

After looking at several similar posts across the web the item that seems to pop-up the most is having the correct time set. How or why this would ever be wrong is beyond me but post after post offer the same advice as most of the things you've done with the time being a glaring difference. Seconded only by the DNS settings.

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