I can't connect my phone to my computer


AC Question

I never had this problem, but only the last few months, weird things happen with my phone. Everytime I connect my phone with my PC with a USB cord, it only charges. I have read very much forums for how to fix this, but none helped.

When I go to "Devices and printers", and I try to connect my phone, it says that "Windows doesn't have a network profile for this device". Also i tried putting on USB debugger, but I can't because that button is disabled. Also the button for Connecting USB-storage is disabled. I have even tried to install drivers, but that wasn't a succes either. Please, I beg one of you, or all of you, actually, to help me with this problem because I'm getting sick of putting everything on my SD-card, then borrow my brothers card reader, and mess up my whole android storage.

If you are willing to help me, already I am really pleased ;)

Kind regards Melvin

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