Constructing an Android Application - How to transfer data


AC Question

In an academic project, my team and i are constructing a mobile application for a restaurant. The application will allow for customers to book a table but will be informed of availability via an application based at the restaurant.

What is the most feasible way to conceive of doing this?
The current technology at the restaurant includes a till (software unknown but most likely too primitive).
will there need to be a separate device from which the availability of tables within the restaurant will be needed to be inputted and if so are there existing applications that allow this already or will there need an application made by us to work with the user-end application?


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Aug 5, 2015
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Your question is better asked in the developers forum.

You will need some type of database to hold the data, maybe at the restaurant, maybe at a third-party server.
The restaurant will need an input program to initially add the data about seating.

If you want to use an existing third-party database and input program, you will need to find a way to talk to that database.
If you build your own database, you will probably need to also build the input program, too.