What is a good music app to sync my computer with my Samsung Galaxy S5?

Natasha Bruskin

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Dec 22, 2014
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Looking for a music app to sync my computer with my Samsung Galxy S5

I previously had an iphone and an still currently using itunes to store my music (which I have a lot of) and now that I've made the switch to an android phone I am frustrated and confused about getting music on it.

I've downloaded a few apps that "connect" it with itunes but am not really happy with the results. A bunch of my music isn't on the phone, and even with the apps that said the device would keep track of things like play count and me moving things around, they don't work as promised. As well, it's annoying to have to run two programs at once to get the devices to connect.

I'm specifically looking for some kind of media player (like itunes) that I can put all my music in, where I can edit, delete, and play it on my computer, and then sync it with my galaxy phone. Does something like that exist or am I fighting an impossible battle?

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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Re: Looking for a music app to sync my computer with my Samsung Galxy S5

Welcome to Android Central! How attached are you to iTunes? Do you still use other iOS devices that require iTunes, or are you free of them? If you don't really need iTunes any more, I would highly recommend uploading your entire iTunes library to your Google Play Music library in the cloud using the Google Music Manager: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1229970?hl=en. You can upload up to 20000 songs for free, and they're always available to stream from the cloud using any device that has access to Google Play Music. You can also download the tracks back to your computer or device for offline playback.

If you need to keep iTunes active, then have you tried iSyncr or DoubleTwist? These are probably the two most popular iTunes syncing apps for Android.

Natasha Bruskin

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Dec 22, 2014
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Re: Looking for a music app to sync my computer with my Samsung Galxy S5

I'm only attached to itunes because I like the way it is set up, I don't want to be in the cloud, and I want the program on my computer not through the internet. With my iphone it was so easy to work with the music player, they talk to one another. But now with my new phone I have the problem of having to run secondary programs to get the music on my phone. I want a program, like windows media or itunes that I can run on my computer and that works with my device. Is there no such thing? Am I going to be forced into the cloud or is there some alternative?

Natasha Bruskin

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Dec 22, 2014
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Re: Looking for a music app to sync my computer with my Samsung Galxy S5

Yeah I tried that program. It kept freezing and it didn't keep track of playlists and such in the way I was looking for.

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