Greenify App Keeps Turning My Display On Dimly Then Keeps Shutting Off at Least Hourly?


AC Question

Greenify App Keeps Turning My Display On Dimly Then Keeps Shutting Off at Least Hourly

Hi, I've been using Greenify for quite a while, and love it. However, recently my Note 4 has been turning on by itself with a dim display, closings apps and shutting off again. I believe that is the process to shut off apps after you've shut the phone off for a few minutes, but mine is doing it at random times, and because it is dim I can't particularly see the first app each time it is shutting off.

I keep a list of every app I install and changes I make to the system, because I have run into problems with installed apps before, so now I reverse uninstalled all apps that I recently installed, and it is still doing the same thing! Is there some way/some app for me to tell what is causing it to turn on and shut down apps over and over? I really like Greenify, and I know it's not taking a lot of juice to turn on and do the close thing, but it is irritating every time I hear it turn on, make the popping sound to close apps, and shuts off again. PLEASE HELP!!!


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