DO NOT BUY the Pixel 4 if you care at all about battery life!!!


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
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Then again, everyone loves watching a trainwreck. Snarky hyperbolic criticism gets eyeballs. That's why I prefer watching Alex Hong's reviews -- he's much more even-keeled.

Or... I could just be .. possibly... that most of those negative reviewers actually didn’t like the Pixel 4.

You know , Occam’s Razor and all.

Mike Dee

May 14, 2014
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Or... I could just be .. possibly... that most of those negative reviewers actually didn’t like the Pixel 4.

You know , Occam’s Razor and all.
I'll bet you made up your own mind without the reviewers. I know I did.... I'm just not impressed enough to buy one based on what I already own. I don't think it's a bad device but it's certainly not for speckmeisters or people who just have to have a big battery. The money part I don't care about, but I could see how someone might feel cheated paying big bucks and feeling they didn't get much to talk about Especially those that can't afford to upgrade frequently. They might rightly want their money's worth.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
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I'll bet you made up your own mind without the reviewers. I know I did.... I'm just not impressed enough to buy one based on what I already own. I don't think it's a bad device but it's certainly not for speckmeisters or people who just have to have a big battery. The money part I don't care about, but I could see how someone might feel cheated paying big bucks and feeling they didn't get much to talk about Especially those that can't afford to upgrade frequently. They might rightly want their money's worth.

Agreed. And I suspect many here also made up their minds (for or against) without reviewers. I just find it somewhat of a understandable defense mechanism for folks who bought and enjoy their phones to now say previously trusted reviewers are suddenly swayed, paid, or otherwise have weird motives to publish a negative review. Something tells me if these were positive reviews that we wouldn’t be hearing how untrusted they all should be.

I am very glad that many owners seem happy overall (especially with the XL). In the end, that’s all that matters.

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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Or... I could just be .. possibly... that most of those negative reviewers actually didn’t like the Pixel 4.

You know , Occam’s Razor and all.

Yes, I'm sure that's the case -- they have valid points they're making. My point is that sometimes there's also tendency for reviewers like these to ramp up the rhetoric because everyone else is.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
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Yes, I'm sure that's the case -- they have valid points they're making. My point is that sometimes there's also tendency for reviewers like these to ramp up the rhetoric because everyone else is.

Very true. There does seem to be a fair bit of that going around as well.


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Jan 28, 2011
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Instead of posting to the forum and everybody picking a side, rather it's bashing other about we all call Google and complain. This phone should never have been made. There should have been only an XL starting with 128GB's.

That's fine if you like larger phones, I don't. I had the 6p and while it was nice having such a large screen, trying to use it one handed (for me) was not worth it. They didn't make the smaller Pixel just to have a slightly cheaper device, they did so because not everyone wants a phone with a mega screen.

Mike Dee

May 14, 2014
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Agreed. And I suspect many here also made up their minds (for or against) without reviewers. I just find it somewhat of a understandable defense mechanism for folks who bought and enjoy their phones to now say previously trusted reviewers are suddenly swayed, paid, or otherwise have weird motives to publish a negative review. Something tells me if these were positive reviews that we wouldn’t be hearing how untrusted they all should be.

I am very glad that many owners seem happy overall (especially with the XL). In the end, that’s all that matters.
Yeah. .. it doesn't surprise me


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Jan 24, 2012
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I'm not saying it didn't happen, but it doesn't ring a bell.

I forgot which Pixel was actually free, Pixel 1 or Pixel 2. I didn't pay for both, but one of them was shipped as a replacement to previous model. That deal lasted like a month until Google realized they will have to ship free phones to everyone and they killed it :)


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Nov 24, 2009
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I started a thread from the mindset of a reviewer.

I think because I was the OP many read all of the comments below and did not read the original.

So 3-4 days is not enough time to review anything and when folks receive a phone after an event and a week or less later they write or YouTube a "comprehensive" review is kind of ridiculous. Everyone has the right to like or dislike whatever they want and reviewers are no different. So if we begin to peel away the credible comments from the one's that lack credibility, the list of hater's becomes much smaller. The majority of the hater's in this Pixel 4/XL do not even own the device, I would say that accounts for 90% or more of the posters here, they have zero credibility. Yes you can have an opinion on something you don't own, but it is only based on subjective opinion's you have read. After reviewer's only testing for a few days, we are left with probably less than 5% real world credibility.

As far as the money spent, if I compare like iPhones, 64gb TOTL iPhone 11 Pro Max, because I own a 64gb Pixel 4 XL I paid $899 and the exact same storage iPhone would have cost $1099. So I have the TOTL phone made by Google, same storage for $200 less than the comparable iPhone 11 Pro Max. We could debate all of the additional stuff I would receive for my $200. The fact remains 1) it is Apple, I prefer Google's ecosystem 2) I don't want to spend $200 more. I bought what I wanted.

It shouldn't really matter, their is no "best", best is subjective. No one here knows me and how I spend my money should really be of no concern. Society today has become unhappy and never satisfied with anything. It is a really bad trait of the current generation.

To recap...most of the opinions here lack real world credibility. Read, research and decide what is right for you. I enjoyed my S10+ while I had it, it is a great handset. I paid more for it than I did my Pixel. I have no brand loyalty, I bought what I bought, if you want Android, have the money and want every feature under the sun including the kitchen sink, buy Samsung. If you want to be part of the Apple ecosystem buy Apple. If OnePlus is more to your liking buy it. If tomorrow the Pixel 4 XL doesn't work for me I will buy something else. Maybe a Jitterbug?

Mike Dee

May 14, 2014
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I forgot which Pixel was actually free, Pixel 1 or Pixel 2. I didn't pay for both, but one of them was shipped as a replacement to previous model. That deal lasted like a month until Google realized they will have to ship free phones to everyone and they killed it :)
I still don't understand why you or others got free ones but that's ok.


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Nov 29, 2012
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This weekend I unplugged at 8 am Saturday morning and 46 HOURS later I had 6% left. This is obviously an outlier and not typical but still outstanding. I ended the period with about 5 hr 40 minutes of screen time with some navigation, some streaming, Youtube streaming, and otherwise mostly just web surfing/Facebook etc. I don't do games or live my life with my eyes buried in my phone all day long like many people seem to. Since getting my phone last Wednesday, with usage similar to the above, I am averaging about 3.0% per hour after 16 hours and 4-4.5 hours of screen time at the of the day (left with 45%-50% charge when placed in the stand).

This is simply outstanding and better than any other phone I've ever owned. My Pixel 2XL a couple of weeks after I got it and under similar usage conditions would end the day at ~30%. I have no idea why all these reviewers (or the OP) are hating the battery life. Maybe I just got lucky. Who knows. Regardless, I'm glad I bought it in spite of all the bad reviews. Amazing phone.


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Nov 29, 2012
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Just saw another review.....everyday makes it harder and harder to even consider P4 over P3 even if you have money to waste :) XL is too big for me, and even that only offers avg battery life.

I have an XL and get 4.5 hours per day and plug it back in with 50% of the battery left. How's that "average"?


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2012
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Lots of people saying 4's battery is terrible. Few ones saying it's, actually, ok. I cannot recall anybody saying it's great.

Definitely not a good thing, at all.

At least we already know what Google will work to make a lot better in Pixel 5.

Read my post...mine is outstanding!


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May 26, 2011
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I was ready to pass on this phone when I found out it didnt come with headphones for $1000. All the other stuff just piled on.

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