Greeting and salutations to all those on Android Central

Mar 28, 2012
Visit site
Was a programmer for 17 years so am very technically literate but smart phones are brand new to me so came here out of the blue (very near top of page via StartPage search) looking for a solution as to why my LG Optimus V was spending 75% of the battery power searching for a cell signal. Hopefully the forum I found and the solution offered will solve the problem.

My first impression of this site is that it is well run, professional, technically savvy if not expert and exceedingly user friendly. Hope my initial impression proves to be correct.

My tech help site for PCs and programming, Office, etc. is Tek-Tips and if this site ends up being comparable I'll be forever grateful. I highly recommend Tek-Tips for those seeking PC tech help. And no, this is not a paid endorsement just a small way of promoting a site that has been of enormous to me in the past.
Crikey, can I go on or what? Much thanks to everyone here so far and... I'm outta here