LG G2 Google Edition Petition Has Gone Up


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May 31, 2013
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Well, let's see where this goes! More options certainly can't hurt, even if they may or may not have a Nexus 5 coming out.

Please be sure to sign and spread around. Thanks


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Retired Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
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Why do this when are we going to do with the Nexus 5

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4

So far there is nothing to indicate that LG has the contract, nor that they'd use the G2 as the basis if they are awarded it. There's not even anything to suggest it'll be called the Nexus 5. The only "source" of any information has indicated that Motorola will make the next Nexus device, and that source only posted one sentence. There have been no supply chain leaks, no company employees from Google or an OEM, no leaks, no photos, etc.


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Aug 13, 2012
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Why do this when are we going to do with the Nexus 5

Odds of the next Nexus being based on the G2 are slim to none. Assuming Google wants to keep the Nexus price point below $400, there's no way LG can do this. How can they tell Carriers and customers that the phone costs $600, except this identical version of the phone which costs $350? It won't fly. LG may make the next Nexus, but it won't be based on the G2. It'll be it's own beast. LG could release a GPE version since that'll be the same price point.


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Feb 24, 2012
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Odds of the next Nexus being based on the G2 are slim to none. Assuming Google wants to keep the Nexus price point below $400, there's no way LG can do this. How can they tell Carriers and customers that the phone costs $600, except this identical version of the phone which costs $350? It won't fly. LG may make the next Nexus, but it won't be based on the G2. It'll be it's own beast. LG could release a GPE version since that'll be the same price point.

That's pretty well precisely what they did last year. Google ate the delta between LG and the standard msrp burden to end users.

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May 31, 2013
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That's pretty well precisely what they did last year. Google ate the delta between LG and the standard msrp burden to end users.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

True, but they also stripped out LTE and changed the design significantly, likely to keep down cost. That would suggest something is going to be changed again likely for the same reason.

We know for sure the design won't stay the same. That's going to be reserved for the standard edition and that's also part of the reason for this petition. If something has to be cut for the sake of cost my guess is the battery will be smaller capacity, the screen will be smaller than 5.2" and that snapdragon 800 might likely get swapped for the 600.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4


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May 31, 2013
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Plus the rumors are more and more looking like LG is not making the next Nexus and people are pointing to Motorola. If this is the case then we know it won't even be in the same league as the G2 hardware given that the Moto X is their flagship - it would be based off that hardware. So we need a G2 Google Edition even more so now lol

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Dec 14, 2012
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True, but they also stripped out LTE and changed the design significantly, likely to keep down cost. That would suggest something is going to be changed again likely for the same reason.

We know for sure the design won't stay the same. That's going to be reserved for the standard edition and that's also part of the reason for this petition. If something has to be cut for the sake of cost my guess is the battery will be smaller capacity, the screen will be smaller than 5.2" and that snapdragon 800 might likely get swapped for the 600.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4

Whatever they did to the design, the Nexus 4 IMO looked better than the Optimus G.. I'm personally hoping the G2 is the base for the Nexus 5! Would be awesome!


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Jun 1, 2013
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I remembered a month ago, LG exec talked about next Nexus and Google Play Edition in an interview. According to him, LG wont be the manufacturer for the next nexus device, and he said LG wont follow the way of Samsung and HTC in making their flagship into GE. He said LG dont want to depend too much on google and their own LG UI is the selling point of their device.
After the interview, LG make a statement saying that if they were given the oportunity in making the next nexus device, they will always be google's partner. This hints that most probably the next nexus manufacturer wont be LG and LG G2 GE doesnt seem likely to happen.

Sent from my LG-E975 using Tapatalk 4


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May 31, 2013
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Lol well I wasn't expecting it to go anywhere. People never do petitions unless it's to save them money. Oh well, my prediction about the N5 likely getting a downgraded processor seems to be what rumors are saying now... hopefully that turns out not to be the case. The 600 is a great processor, but the 800 would be make the N5 more top tier... Nexus phones always seem to hover just under the top tier category in terms of hardware. Personally, if they keep the 3000mAh battery and have at least a 32gb option I don't care what they do with the processor.


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Feb 24, 2012
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Nexus phones always seem to hover just under the top tier category in terms of hardware.

Has one ever been under top tier? Every one I'm aware of has been the best device to date in it's niche on it's release day.

Really, the Nexus 4's only "compromise" was the LTE thing, and given the networks that it's on, having it be "only" HSPA+ wasn't really that bad of a deal. If it were on Verizon and didn't include LTE, it'd be a problem, but most of AT&T and T-Mobile's "4G" network is made out of 3.5G HSPA 21 and HSPA 42 and not LTE. Before that the G Nex was greater than everything that'd been released in 2011 and everything that would follow until the S3 the following spring, etc, etc. Both Nexus 7 devices were top of the pack on their release dates (the latest still is, the former held that spot for over a year) and the Nexus 10 had no peer in the 10 inch space, though I'd argue the new N7 is a much better device than it overall.

I think you're confusing low pricing with low quality, but I don't know that's where you're coming from so would love to understand this more.


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May 31, 2013
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I think you're confusing low pricing with low quality, but I don't know that's where you're coming from so would love to understand this more.

First, please keep in mind this is just my personal opinion on that statement. That's just how I feel and that's not changing and I'm not trying to offend anyone. But, I will at least explain why I feel that way.

I recently purchased a Nexus 4 and briefly spoke about it in another post. I agree with you in that it's by far my favorite Android smartphone to date. The hardware was great feeling and it ran perfectly. I wouldn't use it as my only smartphone though because of certain omissions.

I consider the Nexus 4 "above mid-tier, but not quite top tier" for just a few simple reasons:

1) No LTE.
There's no excuse to me for any top tier smartphone to have come out at the end of 2012 without LTE. We can argue all we want that those carriers did not have as full-fledged of an LTE rollout as Verizon did, but the fact is that LTE was very relevant and in customers minds and that point and plenty of competing devices featured it. Even fast forward to today - not even a year later - and look at how much coverage there is for it on those carriers. It's enough that very few people would consider purchasing a smartphone without LTE. So, the fact that they CHOSE to not include LTE was not some misjudgment on how quickly LTE would be expanded (the evidence was already there for that). That was just to keep the cost down. By that choice, it's not top tier to me because it wasn't current with the current technology of the time in that aspect.

Small Internal Storage
Now, I'm personally against microSD (another story), but when you decide not to support it I want to see more storage. 8gb (really?) and 16GB is just not acceptable to me. 32gb really should have been the standard at the end of last year (or at the very least, an option). Now, very few others offered 32gb internal, but at the same time, most of those supported microSD so they at least gave you an option for more storage if you needed it. With the Nexus 4, you got too puny and less puny as your only options.

Other than that, I didn't really have too many issues with the hardware. Even by today's standards I think the Nexus 4 is a solid device. I liked the design, although it seemed like it'd break easily with that double glass design and although I have 1080P smartphones, at normal viewing distances I agree in that you don't always notice the difference, but inch a little closer and it's there.

My main gripe and really the main reasons I don't consider it top tier is that it didn't feel it was designed to last you more than a year. With no LTE and small internal storage it's as if Google purposely decided to restrict it so that you'd upgrade to the next version come this year no matter what. Even if all they did to the Nexus 4 was add LTE and a 32GB option this year and call it a Nexus 5...want to take bets on how many Nexus 4 owners would trade? A lot. That shouldn't be the case.

I'm tired of feeling as if I need to upgrade my phone every year because of my decision to buy a smartphone that didn't have 'future' in mind. I've long been over the specs war, but I do understand that you do need certain basic things in order to last happily more than a year with a smartphone.

I'm one of those people that really does tell others than the Nexus 4 is the best performing Android smartphone I've used, with the HTC One being second. However, I always have to 'warn' people when I recommend it, reminding them it's got small storage (if that's a concern they'd reasonably have) and no LTE.

In fact, for a Nexus device in order to last a user a while I don't think Google would need to do anything more than the following this year:

  • 4.7" - 5.0" Screen (if larger than 4.7, then needs to be 1080p. If 4.7, doesn't have to be 1080P)
  • Pretty much any current processor (Snapdragon 600 or 800... the 800 likely won't happen, but it's not completely needed either)
  • 32gb and 64gb options (get rid of 8 and 16 completely)
  • Marginally improved camera (doesn't need to be some crazy high megapixel, just needs a good sensor and takes solid photos
  • 2600mAh or larger battery
  • Key Lime Pie (a given)

With that I think anyone considering a Nexus would be very happy overall. Sure, the tech crowd will want more, but if you give us the above at the same price point as current Nexus and very few would scoff at it. You give me that, I'd consider it a top tier smartphone because that'd last anyone happily for more than a year.


Retired Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
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I consider the Nexus 4 "above mid-tier, but not quite top tier" for just a few simple reasons:

I agree with many or most of your points, just not the conclusion :) We're good :) I think despite the strange decisions it was still the best device one could get other than CDMA carriers last winter and probably held that through the S4 to the One, but I feel despite making up for some perceived shortcomings of the Nexus, all had their own faults to balance it out. At least I feel I could easily argue the One, S4 or Nexus for being the best device available for Q2 this year. *shrug*


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010
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Not sure why people still waste their time with petitions. I think it's pretty clear that they always go absolutely no where when it comes to petitions similar to this.... I like the idea of a GPE G2 since their UI is absolutely AWFUL but this won't do anything to get it. Just being real with you

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2013
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LTE and storage are the weaknesses of the nexus4, thats true. But its performance isnt bad, if a device runs all the apps you throw into it smoothly and gives you a lag-free experience, then it should be a top tier no matter what hardware it use. Best example, Moto X.

Sent from my LG-E975 using Tapatalk 4

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