Proper back up for a system reset


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Jan 19, 2014
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I am fairly new to Android coming from iPhones all my life. Love my new LG G3 and for the most part am pretty comfortable with Android due to the fact that I have owned a Nexus 7 for about a year. Recently experienced a strange thing where my battery was draining almost 50 percent overnight due to the operating system. After trying numerous things and with the help of the community I arrived at the conclusion a factory reset was in order. Thankfully that solved the issue and my battery is losing less than 2 or 3 percent overnight.

Here is my question. What is the easiest way to restore the phone and get it back as close as possible to how it was before the reset? With an iPhone you are able to wipe it clean and then restore it from an iCloud backup and it pretty much is right back to where you were. I did have the backup done on the google cloud but that only redownloaded the apps into my app drower. It did not put them back on the screen as before. And it seemed all the setting did not retain themselves. Is there something I am missing? Should I use the LG backup that is provided on the phone as well or is there a third party app which does this? In case I ever need to reset again I would like to be prepared and simplify the process as much as possible.


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Aug 13, 2014
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I haven't got the G3 any longer, but I performed a factory reset on one occasion.

I found the LG BU itself to be very good, and, as I recall, it also backed-up my home screen(s) so everything was pretty much back to where it was before. I also doubled-up, so to speak, and used CM back which is a cloud BU service just in case anything went awry.

It was a while ago so maybe someone else can give you a better idea. I've found that, generally, the manufacturer back-ups tend to work best on their particular handsets, for obvious reasons.
Nov 14, 2014
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I haven't got the G3 any longer, but I performed a factory reset on one occasion.

I found the LG BU itself to be very good, and, as I recall, it also backed-up my home screen(s) so everything was pretty much back to where it was before. I also doubled-up, so to speak, and used CM back which is a cloud BU service just in case anything went awry.

It was a while ago so maybe someone else can give you a better idea. I've found that, generally, the manufacturer back-ups tend to work best on their particular handsets, for obvious reasons.

I used the factory G3 backup just the other day and wasn't impressed, but if u read the little help tutorial before u use it, it even says, "During factory reset some internal storage will probably get deleted.. Home screen backup was ok, kept wallpaper intact but the layout of my apps were messed up. And ALWAYS remember: Backup "YOUR" apps cuz they will be gone if u don't...

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Oct 2, 2014
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Wallpaper, icon layout, apps, and settings backup and restore will be baked into Lollipop so this won't be an issue for much longer. We had this in Windows Phone 8.1 and made wiping and restoring a piece of cake. Glad to see it coming to Android in Lollipop :)

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2014
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Wallpaper, icon layout, apps, and settings backup and restore will be baked into Lollipop so this won't be an issue for much longer. We had this in Windows Phone 8.1 and made wiping and restoring a piece of cake. Glad to see it coming to Android in Lollipop :)

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That would be a very welcome addition to Android indeed. One of the few areas where I feel iOS has the current advantage. So easy on an iPhone to restore from a wiped clean phone with a proper backup in the cloud. Now we just need to get the update on the LG G3. Anyone heard anything on a U.S. release date?


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Oct 22, 2011
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You're absolutely right, it is sorely needed on Android. For the present though, if you're rooted I'd use Titanium Backup. It will make backups of all your apps. If you're not rooted then I'd use Helium backup. It uses a quick connection with an app on your computer to enable app backup. It can even backup some of your settings like wifi networks.


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Feb 15, 2011
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On Verizon, I use the Verizon Cloud that backs up all data on INTERNAL memory (does not backup data on SD Card). Android lacks the ability to keep your environment settings, I.e. where your icons are located, folders created, which Apple's iCloud does flawlessly. If you have chosen to have Google backup from Gmail (Settings, Backup & Reset....check on) then when you enter your Gmail after Factory Reset, your Wallpaper on your Homescreen comes backs, your apps may or may not automatically come back (I don't know why sometimes they will start auto installing, yet all don't sometimes auto install??). But, the Playstore does remember what apps you have downloaded (Playstore, top left menu, select My Apps, swipe over to All to view your list of apps you have installed since the beginning of time-little grey X to delete from your list). I find it a pain to reset all my folders the way I had them before a reset. Someone in this thread said 'L' may have this function. Looking forward to an almost iCloud like restore. Then, Android will be near perfect? Lol. I know.....Never will we be satisfied!

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2014
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You're absolutely right, it is sorely needed on Android. For the present though, if you're rooted I'd use Titanium Backup. It will make backups of all your apps. If you're not rooted then I'd use Helium backup. It uses a quick connection with an app on your computer to enable app backup. It can even backup some of your settings like wifi networks.

Thanks for the Helium suggestion. I am not rooted so until Lollipop comes out I am going to give it a try.

David Rowland

Dec 1, 2013
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I used LG backup and it did a good job of restoring all my settings, wallpaper, home screens, messages, etc. It creates a backup on the SD card. It did not restore my photos or music though. Since I wasn't sure the best way, I also used My backup pro. It will not backup to the sd card, so I went in to the file manager and moved the backup it made to the sd card. Then when the phone was reset, I moved it back to internal storage with the file manager. Then it was easy to restore my photos and music, it lets you pick and choose what to restore. You could use that method to restore everything with My Backup pro.

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