Recent content by akpegr

  1. akpegr

    Fifa 14 for Android - WHEN? Enjoy ;) Hmm... incompatible with all my devices?! Probably...
  2. akpegr

    Fifa 14 for Android - WHEN?

    Wondering the same myself, various sources indicated that it would be released on the 11th, but we're still waiting. Meanwhile, on youtube, someone (possibly the devs?) have been testing the youtube upload features and they also have posted a non-working link in the video descriptions. FIFA 14...
  3. akpegr

    Weekly Photo Contest: Food

    Last days on our vacation at the village, no fast food nearby so I had to improvise with what we had left: Fried meatballs with tomato sauce (canned) in which I added trimmed onions, garlic, and a little bit of tabasco sauce. :cool: Taken with my HTC One X+ running ViperX ps: note to self...