Recent content by criffaaa1

  1. C

    Why is the battery life on my Note 4 low?

    Re: Battery life on Note 4 No battery swap involved, I did however let the phone die completely before I charged it. I turned it on at 99% checked the battery stats and grabbed a quick screenshot. Although its been said you don't need to power cycle the batteries I still do it. I'll go from...
  2. C

    Why is the battery life on my Note 4 low?

    Re: Battery life on Note 4 I have the sprint N4 and get awesome battery life.
  3. C

    Note 4 Screenshots! Show use those awesome home screens & more!

    I'll play, here's mine Sent from my SM-N910P using Xparent Purple Tapatalk 2
  4. C

    If you bought from Best Buy there may be $$$ waiting for you!!!

    Yes you can return it and keep your upgrade you have 14 days from your date of purchase to reclaim your upgrade and return the phone . sent from my Crifftastic $3
  5. C

    What's a must have for your case?

    Protection Holster w/belt clip sent from my Crifftastic $3
  6. C

    Hows your battery life?

    Mine has been awesome sent from my Crifftastic $3
  7. C

    Anyone know how this happened

    Some how my s3 loaded my old wallpaper from my evolte. Turned it on this morning and there it was. It's an HTC wallpaper so no it is. sent from my Crifftastic $3
  8. C

    Switched to s3 from Evolte

    glad to see the switch turned out to be positive now I can't wait to get mine! Sent from my crifftevo that was smuggled through customs in a monkeys back fat.
  9. C

    [Closed] Win a Samsung Galaxy S III & more from Belkin & Android Central!

    Pick me, pick me Sent from my crifftevo that was smuggled through customs in a monkeys back fat.
  10. C

    Media Volume

    Settings-sound-volume-music/media, set it loud as you like it from there. Sent from my crifftevo that was smuggled through customs in a monkeys back fat.
  11. C

    What are you upgrading from?

    evo 4g lte.... Smh Sent from my crifftevo that was smuggled through customs in a monkeys back fat.
  12. C

    HUUUUGE Kickstand FAIL

    Maybe this ones big enough Sent from my crifftevo that was smuggled through customs in a monkeys back fat.
  13. C

    Sprint credits on activation/agreement renewal

    I didn't deal with retentions, just explained to a regular csr and she gave me the credit. Sent from my crifftevo that was smuggled through customs in a monkeys back fat.