Recent content by d33733t

  1. D

    Downgrade to 1.5 (official Verizon ROM)

    Re: xesso I just bought my Eris on Friday, and was dumb enough to run the OTA update the same day. I don't know if the leaks will work the same way, as I've not tried them. What I can tell you is that being that the OTA update is of greater or equal version, and this procedure involves loading...
  2. D

    Downgrade to 1.5 (official Verizon ROM)

    Procedure works flawlessly on Eris with OTA 2.1 Just tested the above procedure with the OTA version of Android 2.1, and the firmware installer above works like a charm. I'm back at firmware 1.5 and am able to flash new firmware (and more importantly, I'm able to load rootable firmware again)...