Recent content by davemerk68

  1. D

    Why Is My App Drawer Still Using Horizontal Pages?

    I've also noticed that the lock screen on my Samsung still has the dialer rather than the Google Now Mic. This was also a change that was indicated in marshmallow. Also, I noticed that the RAM useage summary screen in settings (should be under "Memory") doesn't exist. There's a way to look at...
  2. D

    "Navigate home" and "Navigate to work" not working

    Hello again! Well, I'm not sure what happened but "navigate to home" just stopped working again. Navigate to work is functioning just fine.I'm at a loss as to what may be causing the "navigate home"to stop working. I'm hoping Google can fix this, whatever the cause may be. Have you found any...
  3. D

    "Navigate home" and "Navigate to work" not working

    Hey there! I just updated Samsung apps (S-voice in particular) and suddenly had the same problem with "navigate home." I then remembered that before the update that I had S-voice turned off before the update. If you go into settings, applications, all, tap on S-voice, then turn it