Recent content by Eng5Lt

  1. E

    TV / Movies

    Not looking to lay out extra cash for adapters or subscriptions. Looks like the CBS app and Crackle will serve the purpose for now. Hopefully more options will become available soon. Seems kinda silly that HBO Go is available on PC and Android phones, but not on a tablet.
  2. E

    Hello my name is...

    ...Chris New to the forum. Registered to tap into the wealth of info and tips here. Operating with a Droid og on Verizon and a Asus TF101. :cool:
  3. E

    TV / Movies

    I got the 16gb TF101 a few days ago. One of the things I really hoped to use the tablet for was watching TV and movies on Demand. I typically use Xfinity (Comcast) On Demand, HBO Go or on the laptop. I was very disappointed to find out that the Transformer won't play video from any...