Recent content by EvilHomer3k

  1. E

    Pre-ordered today, Verizon wants to give me a sweet deal on watch....

    The activation fee. Where you pay verizon so they can set you up to pay verizon on a monthly basis. It's not a good deal unless you were already planning on getting one and using it on Verizon. Otherwise any savings gets eaten up by the data plan. Note that this isn't a knock on the Galaxy...
  2. E

    Excellent stylus response

    I'd be interested in what stylus you use as well. I switched from the N5 to the S7.
  3. E

    Anyone Have Any Underwater Pictures?

    I just posted some underwater pictures in the picture thread. Page 29. I got the phone because of the water resistance. I got it on Thursday and took underwater photos on Friday. No waterproof bags, no case. Just the phone in the pool. I dropped my Note 5 twice and will likely drop this...
  4. E

    Photos taken with the S7/S7 Edge

    Just got the S7. Switched from a Note 5. Part of the reason I switched was the waterproofing on the S7 (if the N6/7 has it I may go back to a Note). Anyway, here are some snaps from the weekend. Everything straight out of the camera.
  5. E

    Gear Fit 2 Shortcomings

    I'm returning mine. Battery life should be better. It should track HR for ANY workout rather than just cardio workouts. Finally, S Health doesn't share date with enough other apps. Lifesum is no substitute for MyFitnessPal.
  6. E

    Gear Fit 2 Shortcomings

    The stairs work for me at work but not at home. I think you have to go up a flight of stairs that's bigger than your normal house stairs. I'd be interested to see if you keep it or go back to the band 2. I thought about the band before getting the Fit 2. My biggest annoyance is that the...
  7. E

    Gear Fit 2 Shortcomings

    I believe this is correct. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to put music onto my Note 5. SideSync is terrible for transferring. Once I was able to keep SideSync from hijacking my connection when I plugged in my phone (by uninstalling it) I could use standard file transfer. Samsung has...
  8. E

    Samsung Pay on Verizon

    I've used it several times now with various card readers and it has worked every time but once. That time was at the car wash. Tried is 3 times there and ended up getting my card out. Battery life does seem to have dropped since the update/S Pay install. Not sure if it's having S Pay always...
  9. E

    Samsung Pay on Verizon

    I'd like to get rid of the wallet as well but I have my drivers licence, employee ID card, and paper rewards cards. I had insurance cards but take photos of those (and will be checking out the CareFirst app Kalnel mentioned). Are there any apps like samsung pay that would work with a simple ID...
  10. E

    Samsung Pay on Verizon

    I have a Note 5. Was the 16th update for S6/Edge only or S6, S6E, N5, S6E+? I know there's one coming out tomorrow but saw a lot of people who'd gotten an update earlier this week. Honestly, I'm just happy to be getting it.
  11. E

    Samsung Pay on Verizon

    Still no 16th update for me. Last update was September 28.
  12. E

    Note 5: Camera Shots! Show us your pictures

    Couple snaps from the last week. Most are portrait and coming in rotated.
  13. E

    I can't turn off S Pen detection ? " Inserted S Pen backwards "

    It looks like some people have had luck putting the pen in backwards again and then using the straw trick to remove it. That didn't work for me but I did manage to get the pen stuck again. This time it was on the retention mechanism that is further up the silo. I eventually got it out without...
  14. E

    What does everyone think of the "reversed S Pen" debacle?

    It's the users fault for doing it. Unfortunately, it's very easy to do and it isn't like you have to put the pen in all the way. Only about half-way. There isn't any indication that you are doing it either. It's easy to say pointy end goes first but when you put it in you don't have to touch...
  15. E

    I can't turn off S Pen detection ? " Inserted S Pen backwards "

    alt075, You're not alone. I broke mine too. I was even dumber than you because I actually listened to the people who said you'd have to be a complete ***** to do it so I put it in knowingly because I was curious. It's very easy to do and you only have to go about halfway. There's almost no...