Recent content by fabster530

  1. F

    Galaxy Nexus Screenshots: Share Them Here!

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
  2. F

    Is there any way to get rid of the bar at the bottom? Fullscreen

    Actually there is in Roms like cm9 will let you make them smaller add more and have a switch to completely take them off and put them back whenever you want Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
  3. F

    Is it likely I could sell a cracked s3 ?

    Go craigslist you can probably get 250 on there Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
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    I agree with beacio _mo I'm running CM9 RC 2 and it's very stable I get a lot of options with my nexus i can say it might be my favorite rom :) Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
  5. F

    Best overall ROM

    Is it for Verizon galaxy nexus? Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
  6. F

    CM9 RC1 vs RC2? Changelog

    I noticed that it let's you resize the apps if it didn't let you before its a little more smooth and again more stable