Recent content by guitarjamman

  1. G

    So the impossible happened, I bought an iPhone. Impressions...

    I've seriously been considering the iPhone 11 pro as a replacement for my Pixel 2XL, but there are two major hurdles that are keeping me back......iTunes and the lightning port. I know that the iPhone of today does not rely on iTunes like they did when I had an older one, but the thought of...
  2. G

    Google Pixel 2 Camera Shots! Show Us Your Pictures

    My 11 year old dorkie Yorkie enjoying some well deserved rest.
  3. G

    Google Pixel 2 Camera Shots! Show Us Your Pictures

    Catching some small mouth bass on vacation And this one was huge! Camera seems make my hand look massive [emoji16]
  4. G

    Google Pixel 2 Camera Shots! Show Us Your Pictures

    Portrait Mode. Boat on the lake.
  5. G

    Google Pixel 2 Camera Shots! Show Us Your Pictures

    Portrait mode with a kid who won't sit still. Impressed how well it did with a moving toddler.
  6. G

    no weather info on home screen on 8.1

    Go to your Google feed (swipe all the way to the left) and swipe down to refresh it. Your weather will come back
  7. G

    8.1 Final (Stable) now available for Pixel and Pixel XL!!!

    Who knows what's taking so long (Verizon), still haven't received the update yet either. After a little over year with the pixel, I have been spoiled with timely updates; came from a Samsung S5. While it's frustrating that some devices have received the updates and some have not, and it...
  8. G

    Pixel/Pixel XL --- Show us your photos!

    Norther Vermont, my little goober, and the other big goober
  9. G

    7.1.2 and Bluetooth Music Skipping/Cracking

    Question, anyone notice if it happens streaming music (Pandora) vs playing stored music on the phone? I noticed yesterday that the skipping is really obvious playing songs I loaded, and when I listen to Pandora, I hardly notice it.
  10. G

    Pixel/Pixel XL --- Show us your photos!

    Checking out the lens blur
  11. G

    Pixel/Pixel XL --- Show us your photos!

    Sure is! Basically all I use this camera for lol. He definitely keeps us busy.
  12. G

    Pixel/Pixel XL --- Show us your photos!

    Camera is insane on this phone. Low/medium lights blows away my old iPhone. Bright lighting is crystal clear and you can just keep zoning and not get grainy. Very happy
  13. G

    How to put Pixel in Vibrate Mode

    That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
  14. G

    How to put Pixel in Vibrate Mode

    May be a simple thing or I already know how to do it, but if I go into a meeting and want to put my phone on vibrate, do I just have to hold the volume down button to get there? Really miss the toggle switch on my iPhone 6s, and my old Samsung Galaxy S5, you could pull down from the top and...
  15. G

    Any Regrets?

    128 regular pixel in black. Came from iPhone 6s and very happy with my choice. Debated between regular and an XL, and decided on their smaller model. Every now and again I worry that I would be better off with the larger model, but this phone is insanely quick and smooth. The camera is...