Recent content by Jerry Reyes1

  1. J

    Get S3 4.3 widgets on my 4.1.2 Jelly bean?

    Hello, I recently had the opportunity to upgrade to a samsung galaxy s3 from an lg optimus f3. After a week of trying it out I decided that I like my optimus f3 much better.(mainly because of battery life but also because it lags less). The only things that I really liked about the s3 were the...
  2. J

    Samsung Galaxy s3 is laggy?

    This is my first post so sorry if I am posting in the wrong section. Hello, I was recently given a used samsung galaxy s3. Before this I had the LG Optimus f3 and I completely loved that phone except for the internal storage and ram which was 4gb and 1 gb respectively. It was rooted and was...