Recent content by KMan2K7

  1. K

    Screen sensitivity issues anyone?

    tempest02 is correct. This is a problem with Samsung Pay. We have demonstrated this on both my S6 and my wife's S6. However the problem goes away if you turn off the Simple Pay features (under Settings | Use Simple Pay). This eliminates the ability to "slide up" the cards from the bottom of your...
  2. K

    Samsung pay rocks!

    Samsung's own press release states in part: To achieve this, Samsung leverages both Near Field Communication (NFC) and a new proprietary technology called Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) to make mobile payments more accessible to merchants and consumers than ever before. On a related note...
  3. K

    What are your favorite cases for the Galaxy S6?

    Spigen Neo Hybrid. Thin, well-made, fits well.