Recent content by Michael Sparr

  1. Michael Sparr

    Phone Reviews

    I used to have the S7 and got rid of it for LG. I was hoping by now they would have gotten this fixed.
  2. Michael Sparr

    Phone Reviews

    Why is it when reviewing new phones forums don't talk about antenna and data speed. Example: Samsung Galaxy phones seem to have weaker 4G reception than LG or Pixel Phones. I have a Galaxy S10 Plus and an unlocked Pixel 3XL. Using the same SIM card in the same areas my 4G data speeds...
  3. Michael Sparr

    Has 4g speed slowed down for you?

    Have any of the people from this thread upgraded to the s4? I'm in Milwaukee wi. Had an s3 that in average was 20 mbps down and 10 up. Now im lucky to get 5 down and 3 up with my s4. Anyone else notice this?
  4. Michael Sparr

    My 4G Speedtest Travel Diary [Ongoing]

    After looking at all your results if I told you I was consistent my getting 6 Mbps down and 3 up would you think it was a bad area or the phone?