Recent content by mmortal03

  1. M

    Turn off Bluetooth auto connect?

    This is definitely a helpful workaround to avoid automatically reconnecting to a Bluetooth receiver in the house. Thanks! But doesn't that just change the number of audio devices that you can remain connected to, in the sense of *quickly* switching between them? I think this is different than...
  2. M

    How do I stop Android from moving apps from SD to internal storage after update!?

    Actually, it hasn't always worked this way. KitKat would update the apps, and leave the stuff on the SD card on the SD card. You didn't have to move them back over manually after each update.
  3. M

    How do I stop Android from moving apps from SD to internal storage after update!?

    This is a workaround for some situations, but most people want to get updates with the latest bug fixes and security patches, so this isn't very practical, and you still end up having to move the ones you update back over to the SD card one at a time.
  4. M

    Apps on SD card moving back to device after update

    I don't think that's an option, depending on the Android OS version. I don't see it on 5.1, for instance.