Recent content by pmentior

  1. P

    Used a guide to root my phone. Did it count as a flash?

    Warranty mostly but for me a little but for asthetics. Seeing the yellow triangle makes my little bit of ocd tingle. Sent from my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II
  2. P

    Used a guide to root my phone. Did it count as a flash?

    Does your boot screen have the Galaxy S II logo or one with a yellow triangle? The yellow triangle one shows up if the counter has been activated. The best way to get rid of it is to use a jig. Sent from my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II
  3. P

    Anyone have the vehicle mount yet?

    I got it strait from samsung last week. Yes it does have the aux port for audio. Sent from my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II
  4. P

    Dry Install Screen Protector?

    I looked back at my order and it says that they are out of stock right now. Here is the link, maybe more will come in soon. SGP Samsung Galaxy S2 AT&T Screen Protector Steinheil Series [Ultra Crystal]: Cell Phones & Accessories Also you could order direct from their site at...
  5. P

    Dry Install Screen Protector?

    I second the sgp stienheil. Just put one on yesterday and I can't even tell its there. You just have to be very careful nit to get any dust under it while installing or it is makes a Ver noticeable bubble. Luckily it comes with 2 applications. Sent from my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II
  6. P

    AT&T 4G

    The backhaul is what kind of connection the towers use to provide internet access. The at&t enhanced backhaul is just them upgrading their towers with a better connection. Sent from my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II
  7. P

    Samsung Galaxy SII vs iPhone 4S - AT&T

    I went through the same debate and went with the gs2 and couldn't be happier, especially after the apple announcement. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
  8. P

    [Closed] 500,000 member giveaway - MONDAY

    Sounds like a deal, I'm in.