Recent content by rizzymo

  1. rizzymo

    wifi and data on at same time

    ok, so this is normal now???
  2. rizzymo

    wifi and data on at same time

    did developers option and nothing,,, think it stays like this....THANKS
  3. rizzymo

    wifi and data on at same time

    Updated to pie and now data and wifi icon is on at same time...Note 8 on Verizon!!!!
  4. rizzymo


    Yes, I sure did. It didn't fix the problem. Posted via the Android Central App
  5. rizzymo


    Yes, have the 5.0.1 update. Posted via the Android Central App
  6. rizzymo


    Volume lowering by itself and video audio out of sync. Both are very annoying!!!!! Posted via the Android Central App
  7. rizzymo


    Will Samsung and Verizon fix all these bugs on our s4. These are really annoying bugs that's going to force me to upgrade when I'm not ready too. I hope they will!!!!! Posted via the Android Central App
  8. rizzymo

    will it happen

    Will we get the bug fix update for 5.0? The lower volume and audio video out of sync problems. I hope we get some kind of word on the situation. Trying not to upgrade early!!!! Posted via the Android Central App
  9. rizzymo

    Ringtone volume constantly going back to low after lollipop

    They want us to buy the newer phones!!!!! Posted via the Android Central App
  10. rizzymo

    Ringtone volume constantly going back to low after lollipop

    Seems like theirs no solution to this problem. Hope we get a bug fix update soon. Did the factory reset, it did nothing!!!! Posted via the Android Central App
  11. rizzymo

    Ringtone volume constantly going back to low after lollipop

    The killing part is there seems to be know info on the matter. Will there be a fix or will we have to deal with this? Very annoying. Posted via the Android Central App
  12. rizzymo

    Ringtone volume constantly going back to low after lollipop

    It's funny how nobody is really addressing this problem. If Verizon doesn't know, I'm sure Samsung knows about this!!!! Posted via the Android Central App
  13. rizzymo

    Ringtone volume constantly going back to low after lollipop

    Do you think they know about this, and if they do will they fix it. Posted via the Android Central App
  14. rizzymo

    Ringtone volume constantly going back to low after lollipop

    Did a factory reset and the problem is still there. Hope they fix this annoying bug. Wonder if this bug is on every s4 or some!!!!! Posted via the Android Central App