Recent content by Saviazi

  1. S

    Samsung moment camcorder 2.1

    I noticed this too, even on the highest setting it still looks worse. Hopefully there will be a fix, as SandersJC64 said.
  2. S

    How to cancel a text (sms) before it is sent

    Yeah, honestly I think once you hit send it's pretty much a done deal. Sorry.
  3. S

    Android Kittay...

    You have an awesome cat. :) Thanks for sharing!
  4. S

    MLB Baseball Droid Wallpapers

    Thanks a lot for your work, scodoublet! These are all awesome!
  5. S

    Trillian IM Beta on the way to Android

    I'm a big fan of their PC version so I'm looking forward to this. Thanks for the heads up!