Recent content by sinisin

  1. S

    Stump remote download on to my devices HELP

    Get a new sim card
  2. S

    i got problems!

    Heat issues often come from phones that have been rooted. Thermal Mitigation is turned off. That said you're kinda stuck unless you have it reflashed to stock and then unlocked again.
  3. S

    i got problems!

    Sounds rooted. What carrier please?
  4. S

    LG G3 has terrible reception.

    4G is LTE just FYI. Remember the G3 can do every band except 2. I get excellent reception. I would make them change out your unit. This phone is an RF Monster. It sounds like maybe you have hardware issues....
  5. S

    can NOT change font type

    Try clearing data on the app and Force Stopping it, and also seeing if there are any relevant updates in the LG Update Center.
  6. S

    Share your G3 screenshots and setup!

    Nova Prime BigDX Bionic Red(dock) and Serenity Red(drawer&folders) Fancy Widgets Pro with Smooth Acid Code Red and VoS Framed Glass Silver Weather G3 TweakBox 640dpi 1440x2560 Wallpaper from Zedge converted to spec by File Converter Custom Nav Buttons thanks to the Android L Nav Bar thread...
  7. S

    Carrier IQ present on LG G3

    Sprint came out right after Carrier IQ was released and said they would never incorporate it. Part of the reason I stick with them. They are good about privacy. Sent from my LGLS990
  8. S

    LG G3 Lock Screen 'Weather Animation' Broken?

    It only goes off when weather is in your specific location. Mine works flawlessly. The animations are incredibly realistic. Sent from my LGLS990
  9. S

    Sprint SGS III Screenshots : Show them off here

    Nova running BigDX Bionic Icons in dock/Serenity in drawer CM11 Nightlies running BigDX Jellybean Extreme Theme Chooser Theme Fancy Widgets running Accuweather/Google Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  10. S

    Sprint SGS III Screenshots : Show them off here

    CM11 Nightlies. Nova rockin Big DX Icon Sets. Random Free Red Theme chooser Theme. Tons of mods. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  11. S

    Since latest update my GS3 randomly vibrates for no reason

    Having same issue running MOAR v4.01. I have removed Samsung Account bloat from system so no go on that for sure. Never had a problem until MD4. It only happens with screen on and nothing shows on screen or in notifications. All of my haptic is turned off except call and text notification. Like...
  12. S

    Sprint SGS III Screenshots : Show them off here

    MOAR v1.1 w/Wasabi83 Red Magnum Theme ala Morphology NOVA Launcher w/BigDX ICONS Fancy Widgets Pro Sent from my SIII
  13. S

    [Closed] Android Central's Million Member Giveaway!

    Yes. And please. Awesomeness.
  14. S

    Sprint s3 conspiracy

    If you're rooted an app called link2sd is awesome. I have a 16 gb S3 with over 10 gb of free intsd space. Using a 5gb partition on my 64gb extsd card. 165 user apps installed.
  15. S

    Why do all my pictures come out rotated when I have rotation OFF?!

    Tilt the phone to the left. The only pics that do that to me are pics I take with the phone upright.