Recent content by smalltank

  1. S

    question about my dads smartphones... dad is getting his old Motorola Cliq 1 phone replaced with the T-Mobile 3g has android 2.2 so all his work emails should be coming in..he also got an iphone 5 on sprint to try out..though a few of his emails on his old Motorola phone came in that the iphone 5 didnt get..why is this?
  2. S

    [Closed] Win one of two ASUS Transformer Primes with keyboard dock!

    I wanna win one..I should really..I seriously need one for my work!
  3. S

    Flash Discountinued

    meh...some droid browser can "detect" which sites are flash and which are HTML5..unless this is just a rumor
  4. S

    should I trade

    really small screen and ONLY 3G
  5. S

    [Closed] 500,000 member giveaway - TUESDAY

    Hope I win QUOTE=Phil Nickinson;1293176]Click to view quoted image We're back with Day 2 of our 500,000-member giveaway, celebrating the more than half-million members of the greatest Android community in the known history of the universe. (Or something like that.) On tap today: We're...
  6. S

    What do you not like about the Bionic?

    Re: So disappointed... You compared a galaxy tab to bionic? should compare apples vs apples not mangos to tangerines bud..Samsung hairs nice screens..hardware is a bit under par with other phones and tablet makers IMO
  7. S

    no more unlimited data on verizon

    I knew a month before vzw was going tiered to compete with grandfathered months now..Sprint isn't saying it will tier any data even when iPhone5 comes out
  8. S

    LG Revolution Devs needed - Spread the Word!

    Its the 3.2mp. 3.5" phone with a full keyboard..can't remember what its called...but no thus newer phone isn't the replacement..I'm also gonna wait for new 4G phones on Verizon..G2X is on To..ugh..wait til they get bought by att
  9. S

    Revolution or thunderbolt

    LG Revo in my opinion is much more organized in its menu system and has larger battery
  10. S

    LG Revolution???

    if you want more than just "instant" emails get a Droid phone
  11. S

    Gingerbread on Revo?

    yea..when that gets.released good luck figuring how many bugs exist and what apps don't work..just sayin..I would wait til Verizon makes GB offical
  12. S

    Gave up Revolution for Droid Charge - Please Read!

    good luck with your Charge
  13. S

    Overall... how do you like the Revolution

    LG all the way..Samsung copies most cellphone manufacturers..LG stays LG