Recent content by venommob

  1. venommob

    Where Did You Go After HTC 10?

    S9...purely for the headphone jack. The U11 would have been my next logical step if the jack had not been excluded. I'd been with HTC since the EVO 4g. I primarily listen to music as I can listen while working. I root all my devices out of the box, delete all Samsung/ Google bloatware except...
  2. venommob

    Lg g4 battery drains like crazy

    Without root or utilizing ADB commands, many users will never get to the bottom of what's killing their battery. I advise you learn how to output, then read a log or dumpfile. It will tell you exactly what is wrong alongside a little research. The answers are right in your device in a certain...
  3. venommob

    What am I doing wrong with this battery on the HTC 10?

    So True. Once people come to understand that Android is not perfect, and make certain adjustments/ concessions with features, only then will they have a smoother experience. The argument of 'Turning it into a dumbphone' means nothing if you have all features enabled while watching the battery...
  4. venommob

    Pros and Cons of Rooting.

    If you root your device, you have an opportunity to have total control over almost every aspect of your device. 'Rooting' means you have gained admin rights (Root Privilege in Linux) to your device. It will still function the same as before root, because you have not altered the system other...
  5. venommob

    Idle battery drain

    I'm not a heavy user, but when I put my device down, I expect it to cease all operations except those needed. To obtain that end, I have to root my device(s) in order to enjoy the full Android experience without the battery killing parts. Previously, I lost 1-2% per hour overnight to...
  6. venommob

    HTC 10 in 2017

    I got my 10 in March 2017. I'm one of those 'Root' guys. After researching all other available phones, I found the 10 to be on on par with the Nexus, with the S7 being a distant 2nd. Apple was never a question. Armed with an unlocked bootloader (The major advantage over all others), and the...
  7. venommob

    HTC 10 - Battery drain after Nougat Update

    Thanks mwake4goten! One can still receive notifications, email, weather & texts without Wi-Fi nor Auto Sync, as the cellular radio + data 'On' is the default. Disabling Auto Sync is one of those battery saving 'Compromises' I spoke of earlier. Facebook/ Whatsapp/ Twitter/ Auto Sync/ Google Drive...
  8. venommob

    HTC 10 - Battery drain after Nougat Update

    The sad fact of the matter is...Android phones are not the 'Perfect' phone as advertised. Running all features -Location, Auto Sync, Backup & Reset, Bluetooth, Fitness Sync, ect), and all installed apps with their background processes going at all times, plus the phones' radio will kill your...