Recent content by williamthegoat

  1. W

    Is anyone else dissapointed with the specs?

    I don't know what I people expect. Quad core isn't out for phones yet, exynos is in low supply. The processor we got is a pretty nice dual core that's just overclocked and will out perform the snap dragon 3 in the rezound.
  2. W

    Verizon + GN, will we get google wallet?

    What exactly is Isis, anyways?
  3. W

    [Closed] Win the Galaxy Tab grand prize pack from Nvidia and AC!

    This would make for a great wedding gift :P
  4. W

    [Closed] Android Central 1 million posts Galaxy Tab 10.1 contest

    Posty post post post. I love you Android central
  5. W

    Post your 4G speeds

    True you'll never see speeds like that, but you said at the high end they're the same, when they aren't. LTE is a superior technology. There's a reason every major network is adopting it. But I agree you probably won't see much difference between the 2 at this point. I'm averaging around 15mbs
  6. W

    Post your 4G speeds

    LTE can get too 300mbs, theoretically. HSPA+ can do about 100mb. Not the same peak.
  7. W

    Does the thunderbolt have a Super LCD display?

    Super LCD is a company that makes TFT screens, as I understand it.