Note 10 plus a lil laggy than my s10 plus


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2013
I noticed when i close a app and go back to open right after the s10 plus is a lil faster. Especially when i close facebook and try to open it again i get the 5 dots flashing for about 4 to 5 seconds then my name pops up to log in but on my s10 plus its almost instant like 2 seconds. I have both of my phones setup pretty much the same way as far as settings go etc. I even turned on airplane mode and wifi off to see if it made a difference on both phones and tested how the how the apps open and close but still the note 10+ lagged. I also cleared cache too. Can it be cause the screen is bigger causing a slight delay? I even have amimations at .5x on both phones.

Anybody else notice the lag between the 2 phones?
My note 10 plus is still learning usage patterns in the device care maybe it will get better once that part is done? Also its updated with the latest software update i got 2 days ago.
Going on my second day and this device is lighting fast and buttery smooth only issue is the FPS which is horrible.

I am coming from a pixel 3 and I had the note 8 prior to that plus it's faster than any new iPhone out there to date.
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All my new phones have some weird spots of lag the first couple of days, even iPhones. They might be doing something in the background is my best guess.
My note 10 plus is still learning usage patterns in the device care maybe it will get better once that part is done? Also its updated with the latest software update i got 2 days ago.
Yeah give it about a week to settle in and learn should be good
Yeah give it about a week to settle in and learn should be good

I always tick the "reduce animations" under advanced features. My Note 9 animations were a bit jittery when closing an app, and so is this Note10 + . Not lag as in slow, but just jittery. With the reduce animations ticked it looks awesome to me. Thanks!
I always tick the "reduce animations" under advanced features. My Note 9 animations were a bit jittery when closing an app, and so is this Note10 + . Not lag as in slow, but just jittery. With the reduce animations ticked it looks awesome to me. Thanks!
That's great
Just finished setting up my Note 10 + and installing all the updates. Gotta say...this is the fastest most responsive phone I have ever used. Faster than my Pixel 3XL, iPhone Xs Max, S10 Plus....Note 9....S9....
Not a hint of lag....

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