Note 3 battery issues


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Dec 25, 2013
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Firstly, I don't think it's right that you accuse the people here of lying. There may be a small portion of people here who will lie about their battery life etc but the large majority of people on here are honest and helpful. You yourself should know this from the postings you have created in the few weeks that you have been a member.

Secondly, it is possible to have good battery life and screen on time. I'm posting a screen shot of my battery life from gsam which has monitored my battery life for the last 6 wks or so. It shows my average battery life is 20 hrs 9 mins with 7 hrs 10 mins of screen on time.

Also including screenshots of my battery life right now. I'm close to what the original poster has in terms of battery and screen on times yet I still have over 40% of my battery life left.

Original poster - if I were you I would also monitor what is running in the background which may be keeping your phone awake (such as the social media apps you have running) and draining the battery.

As for my screen brightness etc - my brightness is set to about 20-25% when inside and when I am outside (san diego - lots of sun) I put it up to about 55-65%.

I don't use the power saver mode - tried it and didn't like it, plus I get good battery life so I really didn't need it.

I don't use facebook, etc but I do have Whatsapp and I have 8 email accounts all set to push. I have gps/location, wifi, data on all the time, as well as nfc, air view, sync, and sbeam.

I find the screen on time on gsam vs settings>>battery>>screen to be pretty much the same ...usually just a few minutes of difference.

I'm sure others will give you more advice on things to try so you can improve your battery/screen time.


Posted via Android Central App

Well spotted Sarks.

Personally I have given up on percentages and screen time stats. I DON'T want my phone to last 2 days and 10 hours screen time. I would like it to last a hard day with a reserve. Anything else is a bonus. I don't work my phone hard but use a lot of screen time browsing etc.

I am currently working on a half baked theory that leaving my SD card out for the last 3 days has dramatically improved the early drain from 100% and over the day in general. I also had done a 1st factory reset before that, but I left the card in for another day and the battery seemed as before then.

In the 3 months since KK my battery has generally been OK, save for the last 2 weeks where it was dropping badly and I was doing top ups.
Then I started getting sd card 'unexpectedly removed' notifications hence the reset and card pull. The card data is still fine. I haven't ordered another card yet. I now have 23.5gb device storage left. I had 20gb free prior to reset.
So I can move my 10 gb of sd music and photos there no problem. I had many apps on the card all working, but depending on the new card I may leave them on the device.

Anyone see the post in Verizon I think where a store told the poster that class 10 cards were too fast, and a lower speed card cured the problem. Another myth perhaps, but I read that on Amazon last year. My card that failed after a year on two phones was a 16gb class 4.
This was mean to be a short post, sorry!

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk Pro


Nov 10, 2013
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Well spotted Sarks.

Personally I have given up on percentages and screen time stats. I DON'T want my phone to last 2 days and 10 hours screen time. I would like it to last a hard day with a reserve. Anything else is a bonus. I don't work my phone hard but use a lot of screen time browsing etc.

I am currently working on a half baked theory that leaving my SD card out for the last 3 days has dramatically improved the early drain from 100% and over the day in general. I also had done a 1st factory reset before that, but I left the card in for another day and the battery seemed as before then.

In the 3 months since KK my battery has generally been OK, save for the last 2 weeks where it was dropping badly and I was doing top ups.
Then I started getting sd card 'unexpectedly removed' notifications hence the reset and card pull. The card data is still fine. I haven't ordered another card yet. I now have 23.5gb device storage left. I had 20gb free prior to reset.
So I can move my 10 gb of sd music and photos there no problem. I had many apps on the card all working, but depending on the new card I may leave them on the device.

Anyone see the post in Verizon I think where a store told the poster that class 10 cards were too fast, and a lower speed card cured the problem. Another myth perhaps, but I read that on Amazon last year. My card that failed after a year on two phones was a 16gb class 4.
This was mean to be a short post, sorry!

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk Pro
So anyone claiming a lower speed card would reduce drain would be very wrong, but this is after all, the Internet! I do however believe that apps working from an SD card would be a more significant drain on battery, since external memory is slower than internal and requires more effort to read/ write.

I'm curious though as to whether your device battery life has improved with the card out! I don't use my SD card anymore...I load everything to memory and use Google Drive Sync to move the data up to Google drive.

I don't need more than 5-6GB of memory, so in my case, the SD card doesn't do anything for me and backing up to the cloud gives me the data integrity I was looking for.

If I can save battery by removing the SD card, it's free battery life.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
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That's what I was thinking, with apps on the card especially.

I definitely think card out has made a big difference, but I can be a bit flaky

My phone lost only 11% in about 12 hours yesterday and Saturday, though little screen time. 20% in 14 hrs with more use. Still good today with heavier use. GPS usually on but little difference. I will see how it goes but in no rush to chose a 32 or 64gb card.





Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk Pro
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Oct 27, 2013
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everyone that has updated to the new kit kat 4.4 have your problem. I have the 9005 LTE and still running on 4.3 and doing a very heavy use, I get 12 hours and a regular I do from 6:30am to 9:00pm and still have 35-40% battery.


Oct 27, 2013
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I am going to give my opinion, the new KIT KAT 4.4 has one flaw. It uses more battery then the 4.3..I will admit that I use an app called CLEAN MASTER. Everytime I'm done with the phone and before putting it down or sometimes I do it 4-5 times in a day and that is to use the boost button that comes with the app and it lowers my ram use to 1.05gb to 1.25gb ram from 3gb.


Nov 10, 2013
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The sad news for you, is that the app "Cleanmaster" that you think is so great, is running all the time, even when you uncheck everything and exit the program.

It's a piece of crap...I had it and saw that it does nothing more than the native running apps widget, but unlike that widget, it runs resident all the time. You can enter developer mode, watch all the running processes on screen, and you'll see "Cleanmaster" running all the time.

That's usually the issue with many so-called "free" apps; they run resident and they send usage stats and all sorts of tracking data back to the developer. The developer sells that data and that's how they make their living, but you wouldn't know that without a lot of digging.

This app does nothing for you, except dump running apps and empty memory on demand, same as the running apps widget, but it also sits there and consumes battery and data. The worst part, is that the free memory you see, is a result of dumping all the running apps, many of which come right back a few seconds later and the ones that don't and are most frequently used, take CPU clicks to reload when you need them, causing more battery drain than leaving them running. Android isn't like Windows; it wants to fill memory and keep the apps running for best performance and battery. There's plenty of info on the web to back that up too...

I dumped it a few days ago -

KitKat takes less battery than Jelly Bean did on both my Note 3's. You haven't installed it, you really don't know anything about it and your comments on it are pretty much baseless. Sorry...but that's the reality of it.


Mar 6, 2014
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Looks like my problem is solved. Thankyou guys.

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Jamie Wooten

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Sep 20, 2013
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Hello all, I'm getting a Note 3 within the next week. I'm curious what kind of battery life can I expect to get? I use a blackberry Q10 right now and my phone will last me about 10-12 hours with average use. Just want to make sure I made the right decision.


Mar 6, 2014
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The sad news for you, is that the app "Cleanmaster" that you think is so great, is running all the time, even when you uncheck everything and exit the program.

It's a piece of crap...I had it and saw that it does nothing more than the native running apps widget, but unlike that widget, it runs resident all the time. You can enter developer mode, watch all the running processes on screen, and you'll see "Cleanmaster" running all the time.

That's usually the issue with many so-called "free" apps; they run resident and they send usage stats and all sorts of tracking data back to the developer. The developer sells that data and that's how they make their living, but you wouldn't know that without a lot of digging.

This app does nothing for you, except dump running apps and empty memory on demand, same as the running apps widget, but it also sits there and consumes battery and data. The worst part, is that the free memory you see, is a result of dumping all the running apps, many of which come right back a few seconds later and the ones that don't and are most frequently used, take CPU clicks to reload when you need them, causing more battery drain than leaving them running. Android isn't like Windows; it wants to fill memory and keep the apps running for best performance and battery. There's plenty of info on the web to back that up too...

I dumped it a few days ago -

KitKat takes less battery than Jelly Bean did on both my Note 3's. You haven't installed it, you really don't know anything about it and your comments on it are pretty much baseless. Sorry...but that's the reality of it.

I agree with you. I used such apps back when i had a galaxy s2 (my first android phone) and soon realized that they are useless, as all the native apps and widgets had to reload which made the phone sluggish.

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Mar 6, 2014
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Hello all, I'm getting a Note 3 within the next week. I'm curious what kind of battery life can I expect to get? I use a blackberry Q10 right now and my phone will last me about 10-12 hours with average use. Just want to make sure I made the right decision.

My battery last for around 20 hours with screen on time of 5-6 hours depending on usage.

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2013
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Hello all, I'm getting a Note 3 within the next week. I'm curious what kind of battery life can I expect to get? I use a blackberry Q10 right now and my phone will last me about 10-12 hours with average use. Just want to make sure I made the right decision.

My average is between

4.30-5 hours screen time
1 day+ total

Been getting 1 day, 15 hours recently


Mar 6, 2014
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Your improved battery life?

The only thing I have off are google now and location reporting and history set to off (but location service is still on using wireless only). Also I have "scan ...using wifi" in wifi advanced setting to off.

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Dec 24, 2010
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I have noticed a marked improvement since I reluctantly disabled Google Now. I've been testing various scenarios since Kit Kat and it does appear (at least for me) that Google Now is causing some of my battery issues.

In the three days since I disabled it, my battery drain has slowed to pre-update levels.

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Aug 1, 2014
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Has anyone tried leaving there location, gps and, sync off unless ur using it.. Only thing I ever have on is: sound, screen rotation and wifi when in use.. Also froze, S note and un installed my magazine and a few other through titanium backup

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