Sd card issues with 6.0 marshmallow update.


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Jul 27, 2015
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OK, so everyone, I've said this a hundred times, but I'll say it again. ANY and mean ANY time you have an upgrade, ESPECIALLY a major one to the OS, you should factory reset your phone. I have updated my Note 4 and my wife's S6 to M and have not had a single reboot issue, nor a battery drain issue (I have a screen shot which I won't post, but it says "2 days + on battery, 5% left).

While I cannot guarantee this next statement, it seems to make sense. Your phone is a computer. It uses a file system to manage its onboard items. This is here, that is there, etc. When you upgrade your OS, it resets the file system. Now things may not be where/what the new system is looking for- but it still tries to execute that command. Hence, battery drain and sometimes even reboot when it really gets fooschnockered.

Factory restting your phone resets the file system to find those "long lost items and/or to update your applications to match your new OS. The dreaded "Optimizing Apps" screen.

If you need assistance FR'ing your phone. Just google it- it's a VERY easy process which requires you to shut your phone down and restart it using (simultaneously pressing) Volume UP, Home and Power keys.

Trust me, you'll be glad you did. Come on in- the water's fine!


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Jun 17, 2011
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I also get the message when I first restart the phone then dismiss it and it never shows up again until I reboot the phone. I don't believe this is a problem as my sister's S7 has the message and she is not on T-Mobile. I believe this is a Marshmallow message but not necessarily indicating a problem.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2010
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I tried this, and it didn't work. Full format of card to blank. Any other suggestions?

With a fresh card - have you tried it after formatting it in another device? e.g., format it to exFAT in a PC and try it. It's at least worth a try. I don't have any issues with my 128GB card in my Note 4 under Marshmallow and I had formatted the card in a PC, not in the phone. May not make a difference but at least it's another data point on the problem.


Apr 14, 2011
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Accidentally accepted M on my Sprint Note 4.


Un reliability was cured by Factory Data Reset.

What was not cured was Android M's intolerable insistence to force selection of default programs fur categories like browser or navigation. I bounce between 5 different browsers depending on the web site i am going to. I also have about 5 different navigation apps.

If i wanted all my choices made for me, i would have sold my soul to a fruit based lifestyle a long time ago.

Call for a Program:

Create a program called NoDefault that declares itself as a browser that pops up a selector to make a 1 time choice of which browser to call. Similar for different navigation applications and other kinds of programs that force a choice of a default program. Take my $10. Please.

My hardware went bad a few days later, so my insurance covered a new replacement phone.
Good News: new phone came with Lollipop.
Bad News: I have started to get nagged that Android M has been downloaded and that the phone wants me to install it.

Is there any setting to erase the download?

Is there any setting to permanently decline the installation of the download?

Is there any way to keep this terrible update off my phone?

I still have about a year on my contract for this phone, so I would prefer to stay away from a rom. BUT... Are there roms that would give me my choice back?

Posted via the Android Central App


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2015
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With a fresh card - have you tried it after formatting it in another device? e.g., format it to exFAT in a PC and try it. It's at least worth a try. I don't have any issues with my 128GB card in my Note 4 under Marshmallow and I had formatted the card in a PC, not in the phone. May not make a difference but at least it's another data point on the problem.

Who's your carrier?


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2015
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"If i wanted all my choices made for me, i would have sold my soul to a fruit based lifestyle a long time ago."

FTW, sir. FTW.


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Dec 4, 2014
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Hi, I have a sprint note 4 and recently updated to marshmallow and now whenever I turn my phone off/on the sd card icon is in the upper left corner of the notification bar. Then when I go into notification tray it says Sd card for transferring photos and media and has options to explore or unmount. Any suggestions for fixing this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Devil Dog

My Verizon Note 4 can't read the sd card. Mostly mp3s and the factory plater says it doesn't recognize the file format. System is showing the sd card and even how much free space there us, but not showing photis, video and audio files in My Files.


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May 26, 2011
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Mine just killed the SD card. Phone doesn't see it, PC doesn't see it at all. Like it's just a piece of old SD works


Oct 1, 2012
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Pulled SD card out then Clwared Cache and haven't had a reboot in 8 hours so far. The lag is also gone.

Before with new Battery installed and updated to 6.0.1 I was getting 5- 10 Reboots a day and the lag from the phone fighting to not reboot was to the point I was going to throw in the towel. Was awful.


Oct 1, 2012
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....and as soon as I posted that... reboot.

I effn give up. POS was waiting for note 6/7 my contract ends next month. I've gotta find something else. No more.

It just froze while attempting to write this reply.


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Aug 5, 2010
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I downloaded the update as soon as it would let me. The MicroSD card notification pops up on restarts and is easily dismissed.
I have had maybe 3 random restarts that I attribute to apps, not the OS.


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Jul 7, 2012
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Just came across this thread. I have a note 4 (ATT) and it is still on 5.1. Not on 6.0. I started getting constant lag and reboots on last security update. Cleared cache, changed sd cards and factory reset phone twice. The only time I could get the phone to work was to remove my micro sd cards which are samsung cards. Did all the tricks I could find online and finally gave up. Note 4 is in a drawer now and back to my old note 3 with no issues even with the sd card that wouldn't work in the note 4. I do recommend factory resets after major updates but that didn't resolve my issue. Hopefully the note 7 will work better.

The Stryker

Jul 13, 2016
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I had this issue and just found the solution on a different site.
  • Backup card on your desktop/laptop
  • Format Card
  • Transfer files back to card


  • Remove card and replace with an identical card.
  • Format new card.
  • Restore files from your desktop.

Hey there! New to this forum but well versed in Android. This page came up 2nd in Google search for SDXC issues with Marshmallow, so hoped I'd get a solution to following: After initial update to 6.0 on Note 4 (Verizon), had unreal rolling crashes, which would culminate in an automated reboot about 10-25 second after crashes took their course- this failure process was unending. Additionally, my PNY, uhs-3, 128 GB SDXC was not being recognized about 80% of time- my phone was a brick essentially!

After desktop phone backup n SD card backup (done separately), pulled SDXC, all 3rd party apps, then painstakingly added apps back one at a time in safe mode followed by normal boot if OK during safe, to view stability issues. Found that Amazon was a major instability culprit, so disabled built in bloat, and took off their suite of apps until new updates were released- same goes for other problem apps found during this process.

After the release of the patch (6.0.1) a month later, stability improved, I added new apps and old, problem apps with the phone functioning as it should EXCEPT in relation to my SDXC... Whether for media storage upon capture, viewing via Samsung gallery app, or Google Play Music Premium downloads, the card may boot OK, but it inevitably will fail in one of those 3 scenarios still after a few hrs to few days of continued use.

After unmount of the card, formatting it, reloading it with data and mounting again performance has improved somewhat, but still having these issues, which are only remedied by a total reboot after ejecting the SDXC. Where I used to get the notification icon upon boot that is discussed in this thread, I now do not (ever). Checked with Samsung & PNY and both verify the new, upgraded capacity, as well as that the fast read/write speeds are supported, but still having issues. Sometimes Google Music will recognize, but gallery won't display either my folders, or pics within them if showing whole folder tree. Sometimes gallery is fine, but capture of visual media won't be able to save to the card. Basically, very squirrelly, and hard to nail down a cause or find a solution.

If ANYONE has some further tips or experience with this issue, your help would be much appreciated (and you get major karmic points for even reading this whole post). Thanks in advance to any possible help provided.

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Jul 25, 2016
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I was having the same issue. After the 6.0.1 update (Verizon), I started having issues with my 16gb SD card intermittently not showing up. I thought it was about to die, so I ordered a Samsung EVO 64gb and when I put it in, it was not even recognized. I formatted it with my PC exFAT no problem. I tried all troubleshooting from this threat and was down to doing the factory reset. I backed everything up in Smart Switch (Kies would not back up all items on phone for some reason). Then I pressed volume up, power, and the home button to do factory reset. I tried the option to wipe the cache partition just to see if it helped and sure enough, it now reads my new 64gb card without having to factory reset the phone.


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Sep 29, 2016
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I have a galaxy note 4 (t mobile) and I had the same random reboot problem. Sometime, just touching the screen after a reboot was turning it off. I tried everything. Finally, I went to the store where I bought that mobile and he checked the battery. He told me the battery must be changed.
Since then, my mobile nerver turns off by itselfs or having random reboot. You should check your battery.
Now, the only issue I have is to reformat the micro SD with 3 partitions usable for link2sd application. I didn't succeeded to get the ext4 and swap partitions without loosing space on the micro SD. If someone found a way to do it, please let me know.

Clayton Olson

Oct 14, 2013
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I was having occasional sd card issues when I was on Lollipop. Every once in awhile, I would get a message saying my sd card was corrupted and would need to be formatted, but it couldn't do it in the phone. I would connect it to my Win10 laptop, format it and put it back in the phone. After that everything worked properly. After updating to Marshmallow (first day it was available for Tmo) I haven't had that issue at all.

Chia Pix

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Nov 1, 2016
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I accepted Marshmallow for my Note 4, and all was well for a week. Today, I did some routine maintenance by moving several apps from internal memory to external memory. Tested out ok. Ten minutes later I checked the 'Storage' tab under Settings and found the SD card had dismounted itself. The apps had disappeared off my home page.
Following the advice above to remove and reformat the card after backing it up, I was able to get over the dismounting with all apps and data intact.
My guess is, it has to do with the file system accessing the SD card in a certain way. Why did a reformat clear it up, and will it return? No idea.
Just another data point for you.


New member
Dec 9, 2016
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Have an S5 with Verizon. As soon we went to 6.0 the SD card was no longer accessible or viewable via computer. Phone still access's the card fine for pictures and files. But nothing works to fix it. Clearly a permissions block.

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