Smart Lock Not Working

Brew Swayne

Well-known member
Oct 30, 2015
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Been using Smart Lock for a few months with no problem, but over the last few days it doesn't seem to work when I'm home. I tried removing and re-adding my address, but my phone still locks after a few minutes of inactivity. Still seems to work ok with my trusted devices though. Any suggestions?

Hjalte N

New member
Jul 19, 2016
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I posted in another thread as well and I haven't seen my solution anywhere else, so I'm sharing here.
I've figured out that there is a bug with the smart lock and Qualcomms hardware accelerated localization called izat. If you go to the running Apps look for the process called com.qualcomm.location.xt
If you press the tree dots in the corner and press cashed apps maybe it's listed there.

Even though I turned off Qualcomms izat technology the process keep starting and keep running, and makes all the trouble. If you kill the process, smart lock works again for some time but stops again when the process secretly starts again.

To stop this I did the following:

- Make sure Qualcomms izat technology is turned off under localization (Samsung may call it by different name)
- clear the Google play services app
- reboot
- go to smart lock and create you safe locations (everything gets cleared when resetting Google play services)
Thats it. And then never turn on izat again.
You may have to reenter data again in apps relying on Google play services ie. Google fit.
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